Blogmas Day 6, Our Christmas Decorations

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ Today has been the Independence Day of Finland, so we've had quite a chill day at home. I feel a bit like I'm coming down with a flu or something, but I hope that will pass because I really don't have the time to be sick right now. But if I will catch something, at least I have to house all pretty to stay in. Wanna see what I mean? Let's have a tour around the apartment and see this year's Christmas decorations!

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorationsChristmas decorations

I'm a bit bummed I couldn't photograph all these in more pretty lighting, but the sad fact is we don't have much of that in Finland t the moment. I'm pretty nervous for the outfit posts this month for the same reason. Nevertheless, I decided to learn some more video editing (and filming) so I also got these decorations on a video, which you can check out below:

Have you put out your Christmas decorations yet? If you have, please let me know so I can check them out!

That's all I have for today, I'm really hoping I won't get sick tomorrow because I have a lot of prepping to do for the week. But I will keep up with the Blogmas as much as I can, even if I'm sick, because lot of footage is ready and waiting already. I will be back tomorrow with another post, and in the meantime, you can follow me on social media to keep up with the latest. Also, I will have something very exciting for you on my IG on the coming week, so stay tuned for that too.

Have a fabulous day ♥


  1. Your Christmas decorations look great! We haven't even started thinking about ours.

    1. Thank you! I'm always putting ours up so early :D ♥


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xoxo ♥

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