Blogmas Day 7, Gingerbread Latte

Hey lovelies! Hope you're doing well today.♥ I've been little worse with my flu than yesterday, but I think it won't get too bad. Today, I'm having a quick little recipe for you. This was originally spotted here, and I've been loving it a lot.

Gingerbread latte

Gingerbread latte
1 portion

1/4 cup gingerbread syrup
1/2 cup espresso
8 ounces steamed milk

For garnishing:
whipped cream

For the syrup:
2 cups water
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Make the syrup by combining water, sugar, ginger, cinnamon and vanilla in a saucepan. Bring mixture to boil and reduce the heat, letting it simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let it wait under a lid. (Note: syrup makes more than what you need to one coffee!)

Add espresso and syrup to a cup, followed by the milk, and stir. Garnish with whipped cream and nutmeg.

Gingerbread latteGingerbread
Gingerbread latte

I served mine with gingerbread - because overboard is just cool - but of course this really doesn't need anything with it because it's so sweet. I make my coffees on veggie milks (usually cashew) because they taste better and my body digest them better.

Have you guys tried this lovely coffee? 

That's all for today, I might make this recipe into a little video later on, if I do, I will link it here on the blog somewhere. Tomorrow will be a beauty post, so stay tuned for that - and for other fun things I have for you this week. Now, I'm heading to bed because tomorrow is a work day and I need my sleep badly! See you tomorrow though, and you can also follow me on social media for more updates.

Have a fabulous week ♥


  1. Naam! Näyttää niin hyvältä <3

  2. OK, now I am craving for such a coffee :)

    1. It is so good! Especially with non dairy milk ♥


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