#31DC2015 Inspired By Book & Fashion

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I feel like my life has been so hectic - and on top of that, I've also been sick for the past couple of days. Not ideal when you have a ton to do and not enough time as it is, but that's life, you know. Luckily I've managed to take pictures for the blog beforehand, so when I only have the time to sit down and write, I can publish something. 

Like today, when I'm sharing these nails from the 31-day nail challenge:

harry potter nails

The first design is inspired by a book. Can you tell which one?

Exactly. Harry Potter indeed. These claws represent my inner slytherin (my Pottermore house, what's yours?), and I really loved wearing them back then. When I make it to Harry Potter World some day, I'll wear something like this on my nails. 

harry potter nailsharry potter nails

I really liked the combination of green, black and silver. It's pretty unusual combo for me to wear in my nails, so it was definitely fun to try it out.

harry potter nails

The polishes I used were this were China Glaze I'd Melt For You and Liquid Leather, O.P.I. Fresh Frog Of Bel Air and L'Oreal Color Riche Green Couture. The studs are from Born Pretty Store. (Use the code JOHH10 to get 10% off your Born Pretty Store order!)

harry potter nailsharry potter nailsinspired by fashion

The next design was inspired by fashion. As it was holiday season when I made these, I got my inspiration from all the wonderful glitter out there. So it's a simple glitter mix that's (in my opinion) perfect any time of the year.

inspired by fashioninspired by fashion

I absolutely loved the green glitter over dark polish. I think it looks so festive and cute.

inspired by fashion

The polishes I used were China Glaze Liquid Leather, I'm Not Lion, Pining For Glitter and De-Light

inspired by fashion

What do you all think about these designs? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, I will go hit the bed and get as much rest as possible so I can beat the flu soon. We're having a F1 season starter at our place and I'm super excited. Also, I hope I will be healthy before that so I won't get anyone else sick. But, nevertheless I will have a couple of fun things lined up for you this week - mostly style things, but anyway. Stay tuned until the end of the week to find out more! In the meantime, you can follow me on social media for more updates.

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Wonderful polish combos in both cases!

  2. Oh the sparkles on the second nail look is amazing. The green looks great.


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xoxo ♥

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