#31DC2015 Inspired By Song & Book

Hello lovelies! How has your weekend started? ♥ I'm currently watching some Vampire Diaries and getting ready for the evening out, but I had to come here and share this nail art post with you all before continuing my nails, hair and makeup. I'm anxious to get the 31 day challenge posts out from the archives, since they've been waiting there for way too long!

So without further ado, here's the next edition to the series:

ellie goulding nails

First up is a design that was inspired by a song. Can you guess which one? Yes, it was Ellie Goulding's Goodness Gracious. The song has a beautifully designed video (in my opinion) and I tried to mimic some of the elements in my nails.

ellie goulding nailsellie goulding nails

The glitter placement was inspired by the sequin jacket Ellie wears in the beginning of the video, and the palm trees can be seen flashing in different colors around 0:40 mark, and I did one of the variations on the nails.

ellie goulding nails

The polishes I used were China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle, Towel Boy Toy, Crimson, Goldie But Goodie and Glow With The Flow. The diamond shaped sequins are from Born Pretty Store, where you can get 10% off with the code JOHH10.

ellie goulding nailshunger games nails

The second design was inspired by a book - which I haven't read (only saw the movies), but I've seen cover art that partly inspired this design. The book of course is The Hunger Games. And yes, I know it's a trilogy. But that's as much as I know about the books. 

hunger games nailshunger games nails

I painted a sort of a mockingbird, and tried to create somewhat realistic fire too. These were quite fun to wear and actually the fire effect is one of the things I'm most proud of painting in my nail art history.

hunger games nails

The base color here is China Glaze Charmed, I'm Sure. Other ones I don't remember that well, but I used reds, light browns, oranges and some yellow to create some depth to the design. I used saran wrap kind of technique to get texture for the fire, and painted the bird with free hand. 

hunger games nails

What do you think about these designs? Let me know in the comments below!

I'm going to find an outfit now, as well as getting otherwise ready for bowling and such. It's so fun to go out tonight, especially in the great group that we're having today. (I'm also super excited for the weekend two weeks away, when I get to hang out with my boys again!) Although, I got to admit bowling is anything but my strong suit. But I don't mind losing, I go just to have fun with friends. I'll be back soon with another post, but in the meantime you can follow me on social media for more updates.

Have a nice weekend you all ♥ What plans do you have this weekend?


  1. The second one looks so beautiful. I love the shade.

  2. Hello amore okay?

    Her nails are beautiful, loved the enameling was show

    I really enjoyed your blog, comes to know mine.
    Beijão and success

    Esmalte & cia


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xoxo ♥

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