Guest Post: Polka Dot Wrap Dress

Heya lovelies! How are you today? ♥ Today's post is a bit different since I'm only doing this little intro and the small footnote. Other amazing material today is provided by my friend Elisa, who I've met through Instagram and who is such an awesome lady with beautiful style. See one of her stylish looks down below:

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Hello there ladies! Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Elisa and I am a Canadian-born Latina living in the USA. I have to start by saying that I am a huge fashion addict. My Wallet suffers a lot but I can’t help my love for shopping clothes, shoes, etc., especially when I find amazing deals. I would definitely consider myself a bargain shopper. Thanks to Johanna I am able to share my look of the day with you guys.

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I’m wearing a wrap dress and earrings from LOFT, which I fell in love with at first sight. My sandals are from Marshall's (made in Spain), along with my COACH watch. My leather handbag is from H&M. I hope you like this outfit as much as I do! If you want to see more you can find me on Instagram as elisa.lifestylz. Until next time! XOXO

What do you think about Elisa's style? Let us know in the comments below!

Thank you Elisa for sharing your gorgeous outfit with us here! I strongly encourage everyone to follow her on Instagram, I think her content is on point and amazing. 

Have a fabulous day, everyone ♥

1 comment

  1. Lovely look! Have a nice day)


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xoxo ♥

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