Halloween 2016: Bunny

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I'm so ready for the weekend and super excited to see some friends and have a little Halloween party. I will try to take some little pictures to share on Monday, but we'll see how that turns out.

Today, I'm sharing the last Halloween look this year, and I think this was quite a fun one.

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The last look was inspired by the lace bunny ears I have on here. I don't get many chances to use them, so I thought I would build something around them. So I painted on a mask and left the rest of the makeup quite simple.

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This was the first time I've ever painted a whole mask on, so it's not perfect by any means, but I did like how it turned out. This was done with makeup, but I think using face paints or something would give the perfect results.

For the outfit, I went with a simple black one:

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High waisted jeans with a cropped lace top seemed like a nice pairing, and adding the spiked Litas gave the look more edge. You could definitely rock this face with a nice girly dress as well, or make it into a Playboy bunny with a mini skirt, but I felt like a simple one would be the best as a last - even a last minute - look. I will personally be rocking a all-black look for the Halloween, but more on that later.

What do you think about this look? Let me know in the comments below!
That's all I have for you today, I can't believe Halloween month has gone by so fast and I would still have so many ideas for this year. But, maybe I will do some non-gore ones even after Halloween in case anyone has other costume parties. I will talk to you again after the weekend, but in case you want to see more from me, I encourage you to follow me on social media, where I will be doing as much Halloween updates as I can. I hope you will have an amazing weekend!
Happy Halloween darlings! What will you dress up as? ♥

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xoxo ♥

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