Halloween 2017: Rey

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥

This post is going a day late according to my original plan, but I couldn't edit the images yesterday because of a migraine. But I wanted to do this one as well as I could because it's the outfit I'm most proud of this year. I had my mom help me shoot the photos but we did have a problem or two with my settings even though she's quite the pro with her equipment but my camera wanted to be tricky.

But nevertheless I managed to scout out few that looked pretty nice so in this post I will show those to you.

Star wars inspired costume

As many of you know, this outfit is inspired by the character Rey from the Star Wars: Force Awakens. I've been wanting to do a Star Wars inspired on for a while, but didn't find one that I could do enough justice before Rey. I know this is not the first one done by any means, taken that the movie came out 2015, but I think now is a good time to do this because the new Star Wars movie is just around the corner and we will see Rey in that one as well, although probably in new hair and all if the rumors are true.

star wars cosplay Rey Halloween costume

I also had a perfect prop since I own a cute little BB-8 stuffie in my bedroom. Of course it is smaller than original but it does the job okay. For a stuffie, you know.

DIY Rey costume
Rey cosplay

This is quite an easy one as a last minute costume as well because the parts for the costume are easy enough to find even if you don't get a ready made one from a costume shop. I created mine with boots I already had, some culottes (paperbag pants were the ones I wanted but someone bought a pair I had spotted right before my eyes), nice top and some fabric for wrapping. We had some issues with the arm wraps but those could be solved with velcro or something that would keep the fabric in place. Also using a different fabric would help, I used an old scarf that we cut in half which was too flimsy for the job. 

Rey hairdo wigRey inspired hair

I naturally had to use a wig to match my hair better to Rey's, but you don't necessarily need a wig to this one. And actually the hairdo would've looked better in my natural hair but I wanted an excuse to use the new wig there. Cool thing about this compared to many complicated makeups you see around this time of the year is that you don't have to wear any if you don't want to, or you can do a very simple look. Rey is "barefaced" in the movie so the makeup they've created to her really just enhances the actresses natural beauty.

(Also notice how my portray of Rey is very 2017 with taking selfie for her Instagram story.)

Rey isnpired costume
Rey costume

So in a time where we as women are a little bit pushed to create sexy looks for Halloween - or to be as gore as possible, I really wanted to create an option where you can kind of be naturally gorgeous and powerful all the same (not that there's anything wrong in sexy or gore, I really enjoy most costumes). I feel like this fits so well with the ongoing #metoo campaign. Rey would stand up and fight for freedom, and for justice. That's quite empowering and super fitting for the campaign as well.

What do you think about this costume? Let me know in the comments below!

This was one of my all-time favorite costumes so far, so I'm really hoping you enjoyed it as well. I had troubles getting the pictures focused and otherwise looking good, but little playing around in Lightroom helped a ton. Also big thanks to my mom for taking these photos, as nice pics wouldn't have been possible without her. Next time, I'll show you some more nail art again, but there are also couple of costumes I still want to post for you this year. So stay tuned for more!

Have an amazing week my loves ♥


  1. I like that you used a wig and the whole outfit and shooting came out perfect!

    1. Thank you! I would love to do more this kind of shoots for next year's outfits. :)


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