It's been a while since my last post, but it's because I've been preparing for next month and the life change it'll bring. I'll talk about it more once things are happening, but I can tell you it's exciting. And I also give sneak peeks on my Instagram (@silvertigo) if you're curious to see stuff beforehand. On top of that, the heat in Finland has stopped me from thinking straight so writing hasn't been a good idea. Today, I finally decided to share pics from our trip to Stockholm, which took place at the end of June.

If one can travel with pink accessories, why do anything else?

Since the departure was three hours late, so was the arrival to Stockholm. The plan was to be there 6:30am on Saturday - which would be a little too early - but now we landed at 9:30am, which certainly was more pleasant since we didn't have to wait for places to open that much.
We spent the first half of the day in Mall of Scandinavia, mostly playing Pokemon Go but also shopping a bit and eating well. I didn't really photograph there but took some photos starting from the afternoon when we headed back to the center of Stockholm. I really love Stockholm more and more everytime I visit there, and we already planned some fun things to do next year when we probably do another trip there.

Naturally I found an animal friend to photograph, it wouldn't be a trip with me without one.

The palace of the Swedish royal family, Kungslottet, is one of the places I want to visit next time. It looks amazing on the outside, and I would imagine it's very interesting on the inside as well.

After walking around the city center, we still had some time to kill but also my feet were killing me, so we stopped to some terrace for drinks. It was nice to talk and watch the scenery there.

Little later, we made our way to the boat terminal, and had to wait a little while to get on board. This time our boat was in time, which was really nice.

The cabin we had was a bit more fancy than in the first boat, and I loved it. The engine noise and such didn't bother us since this was quite high up on the boat, and it was like a little hotel room!

After some evening snack, we got to bed and woke up little before arriving to Turku.

From Turku, we still had a couple of hours' drive to home. The route from Turku to back home has a lot of beautiful Finnish landscape, and even chances to see wild animals. Last time we saw some deer running around, and this time we spotted a fox snacking on a roadkill.

As for shopping, we didn't do that much. I bought myself some chocolate and three things from Victoria's Secret. And a stuffed kitten from the Disney Store which I actually don't have a photo here. I'll add one to my Instagram today so you can spot it there in case you're reading this within 24 hours of me publishing it. I didn't feel like shopping because there are purchases I need to do at the end of the summer and I can't be putting all money on myself.

Have you had any fun trips this summer? Let me know in the comments!
That's all for today's post, this was quite photo heavy but I hope you don't mind! I have now around five posts ready and scheduled for you for the next couple of weeks, so there shouldn't be a break from the posts any time soon. I also have planned quite many for August, and October/Halloween time is also in the works as we speak. So I should have more or less frequent content coming up all Fall if all goes according to my plans. In the next post, I want to share a nail design with you. While I've been painting my nails frequently, sharing them with people hasn't been on my agenda enough. But we'll change that too little by little. Don't forget to follow me on my Instagram for more content and more style pics!
Have a lovely week ♥
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