This year, I've been buying more colorful eyeshadow palettes inspired by Angelica Nyqvist - as I've shown you in form of talking about colorful NYX and Juvia's Place palettes. Today, I'm sharing another colorful one I've been loving lately: September Rose Cosmetics Slush palette.

This palette is what you can call a rainbow palette. It has a nice range of colors sorted by color families, and good variety of mattes and shimmers. Bonus points for being cruelty free AND vegan. Since I've been reading into beauty industry news, articles and so on, I'm more interested in buying from indie brands whenever possible. Not saying you're doing anything wrong if you buy from bigger companies, but as the giant brands make the industry too saturated with yet another neutral palette at a time, I rather invest my money elsewhere when buying eyeshadows.

The packaging in this palette is so cute to me, and even though there are 25 shades, the palette is not overly huge and can actually be travelled with. If you are one to care about palette having a mirror, you'll be happy to know this one has quite a big one. Also I love the shade names, they're all quite fun!
Below you can see some swatching action on my arm.
I think the shades swatch okay, some mattes are a bit chalky on bare skin, but work much better over unpowdered primer. So you need to play around with this a bit to get the most out of it, but I don't see that as an issue. You can see few looks I've done with this palette below, so you get an idea how the colors look in action.

This look was done with the pink row of the palette. The lighter shades required a bit of building up to reach the brightness I desired, but they are easy to work with. The thing with buildable shades is often (in my opinion) is that they are quite nice to blend out as you may not have too much color to work with on the edges.

Look with the green row. I LOVE this look. The colors work so well together, and the vibe is super tropical. This may not be the best match to my skin tone necessarily, but I loved rockig it and that's really all that matters. I don't remember having any trouble with these shades at all.

All blue eyes. I don't usually care much for blue eyeshadow, but this look bit of changed my mind about it. I tried to go for a halo effect here, and I think I did okay. Blues are usually something I struggle blending, and even though they might be the hardest to blend in this palette, they were still nice to work with. I feel like in these the darker shades required a bit more work to build up to be vibrant, but like I said, I always struggle with blues.

Next up, playing with orange row. I think I love this row the most. Like absolutely most. The shades are fun, bright and work well, and also they're unique to my "collection". (I use the term collection loosely as I don't really collect makeup, I rather buy stuff I can actually get use out of.) This row has two shimmers so I think that makes it extra fun to work with.

For the last look of this post, I used colors all over the palette, trying to mimic the color scheme of Amaranthe's 365 single cover art as well as the art for the Helix album and/or tour posters. I usually don't go for half cut-crease, but it was appropriate for this one.
I didn't do all purple look simply because I didn't feel like it, but I may do one in the future.
Is there looks you'd like to see me do with this palette? Let me know so I can post some for you either here or on Instagram!
That's all for today, but I'll be back soon with Autumn Wardrobe post. Also, next week you will get another kitten post, and possibly a nail art post. I don't know how beaten I will feel after the work days and all since I'm covering for a colleague who's on well-earned vacation on top of my own work, but I try to have energy to get 2 or 3 posts up for you anyways. Follow me on Instagram (@silvertigo) for more content!
Have a wonderful weekend ♥
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