Blogoween: Blue Skull Nails

Quick post before I head to bed; I created Halloween nails I'm excited to share with you! These aren't in traditional Halloween colors but again, not everyone wants the traditional color scheme. So these might be just for those of you.

Skull nails
I saw the inspiration for these somewhere around the Internet, but as I can't recall whose the inspiration mani was, I can't really credit properly. However, if you recognize the original creator, please let me know so I can add them into the text and link them too! Nevertheless, the blue glitters and skull arrangement of the glitters spoke to me, and I really wanted to do this. 

Skull mani

Apart from the glitter skull, this was easy to make. But to be honest, creating the skull requires patience and time. You need to place the sequins/glitters one by one so it takes a while. But in my opinion is more than worth it. It looks really cool.

Glitter nailsHalloween mani

The polishes I used for this were base and fast-dry top coat by Glisten & Glow, Blue-Ya!, Simply Fa-Blue-Less and Moonlight The Night by China Glaze, and hexagon glitters from Born Pretty Store. I used Simply Fa-Blue-Less and Moonlight the night for the super glittery nails, and Blue-Ya! as the dark base under the skull. The glitter pieces were attached with top coat little by little so that the fast-dry didn't get too dry before placing the glitters.

Halloween nails

What do you think about the blue nails? Let me know in the comments!

That's all for this post, but tomorrow, I will be posting two posts that I had nearly forgotten I had prepped before. Again, sorry I have been quite all over the place with this week's posts, life got the best of me and I felt more depressed than in a long while. I'm all better now, and hey, the ideas I didn't get to post are totally doable next year. But I'll see you all in tomorrow's posts!

Have a wonderful day ♥

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