Today's post is up a little late to the schedule (sorry!) because I was busier with things than I thought and didn't get to assemble the costume before today. But nevertheless, I feel it cam out fine and I'm happy to share it with you.

I've been so into Pokémon Go still - as well as playing Pokémon Quest and waiting for Pokémon Let's Go! that I felt like I just had to do something related to that. As I always do better when I'm passionate about what I'm doing. So I decided to create look on one of my favorite Pokémon, Eevee.

I had brown clothes to be a base from last year's Star Wars look, so I just had to get fabrics to make the tail, neck fur and ears out of. Then it was time to plan the patterns somewhat correctly and cut them out.

I assembled the parts with hot glue, but you could do this the "proper" way and sew everything together. But I felt that glue is faster and effective enough for now. (Someone might say that I left it too last minute and had no other choice. Think what you want.)

How my parts looked when I was done. Note: cutting faux fur leads to having fur everywhere. Even on your cat.

And here's the ready look. I deliberately wore makeup that would make my eyes big and hopefully even a bit anime-like so that the illusion would be better. The whole look is super simple as long as you have more or less monotone color scheme (preferably in brown, but a cream color would be nice shiny Eevee in case that's easier), and you can make this quite easily into other forms of Eevee as well.

I was scared this wouldn't work out at all, but actually it would only need a bit of tweaking to the ears and the tail so that they would sit right when you walk around. The ears tilt forward constantly, but that's nothing a bit of wire wouldn't fix. And the tail would look better if it sat up a bit higher, which could be fixed with tiny things IF one has the items. Which I didn't. Oops. I rather tried to work it out with my posing and such. But in case I will wear this out someday, I will tweak them and maybe try to remember to update here what I did to them to make them work.

The makeup was subtle brown/orange eye look with soft black wing, and like I said I did my best to make the eyes look super big. I also drew a little snout on the tip of my nose to make the look more cute.

What do you think about this look? Let me know in the comments!
That's all for today but we will continue these posts tomorrow with another nail design if I'm not mistaken. The fun of this series is that some of the posts were scheduled very early this Autumn so I'm not always sure which one is coming next while typing, although I have a specific list on which post is planned for each day. But you know me, I'm not the most consistent creature on the planet. Anyways, I'll see you in the next one, and don't forget to follow me on social media to get notified once I post new content on the blog!
Have a fabulous day ♥
Excellent Cosplay, the tiny snout is extra cute :)