The other day, I was searching the Internet in hopes of finding the right drink recipe to share with you. I wanted something non-alcoholic, relatively easy and something that would translate well into a dairy-free one in case you, who are reading this now, happen to be vegan or otherwise dairy-free. I came across articles describing Japan's Halloween frappuccinos their local Starbucks' are serving. You can find them here and here. They sounded challenging but not impossible, so I created my own copycat recipes of them. Mind you, I haven't tasted the real things so I don't have exact measurements, but I think with a little tweaking and having a real one to compare these to, I could make the recipe perfect.
![Starbucks Halloween Frappuccinos homemade](
So, here's what they look like. This is the part I was quite proud of as if you compare these to the Starbucks ads, they come quite close. So the aesthetic part was easy to nail. But the drinks themselves were a bit more tricky. I couldn't find a single recipe for these, although there could as well be one on sites that aren't English. But at least I couldn't Google one.
![Halloween Frappuccinos](
Few things to mention: I made these with no added sugar, and therefore they were quite mellow. Also, I didn't have additional flavorings these kind of drinks might have, were they commercially made. So if you follow my recipes (just eyeball the measurements, that's what I did as well!), keep that in mind if you prefer your drinks with more taste. You may need to add something.
![Halloween Princess Frappuccino](
The description for the Halloween Princess Frappuccino on Sora News 24 was this:
"On the other side of the naughty/nice scale is the Halloween Princess Frappuccino, which blends the apple compote into the drink with white mocha sauce and whipped cream, to create a sweet and milky apple flavour. A sprinkling of tiny sugar pearls in pink and blue complete the princess mood while evoking the image of a glamorous ball gown."
Based on this, I figured what could come close would be including the following:
Milk of your choice
(Sugar or Sweetener)
Pink or red food coloring
White mocha sauce (see one recipe here)
Apple compote (see a recipe here)
Whipping cream of your choice, whipped
Candy pearls (preferably colored, I only had silver ones)
Blend the milk, ice, sweetener and bit of food coloring into a frappuccino in an ice-durable blender. (I used just super tiny ice bits and blended them in a shaker but the consistency is better with a strong blender.) Add white mocha sauce and apple compote on the bottom of your cup. Pour over the frappuccino until the cup is somewhat full. Top with whipped cream, white mocha sauce and candy pearls. Serve.
I pretty much got a bit too mellow version of the description, but I think that with creamier milk (I used an almond one) and bit more sugar this could be right there. And with using a blender to get the frappuccino just right. It was milky and sweet, just like described, and it looked adorable!
![Halloween Witch Frappuccino](
About the Halloween Witch Frappuccino, it says this on Sora News 24 site:
"First up is the decadently dark witch version, which contains a vivid red apple compote on the bottom layer, followed by a middle layer made from a whole caramel-flavoured cookie, blended into the drink to create a “dark apple” dessert sensation when combined with the compote. The drink is finished off with a chocolate sauce dripping around the inside of the cup and on the whipped cream topping, to make all your witchy Halloween fantasies come true."
After reading this, my recipe included:
Milk or your choice
(Caramel flavored) cookies
(Sweetener or sugar)
Apple compote, dyed red with food coloring
Chocolate sauce
Cocoa powder
Whipping cream of your choice, whipped
Blend milk, cookies, ice and sweetener into a frappuccino. Add apple compote generously at the bottom of your cup. Drizzle chocolate sauce on the top of the inside of the cup. Pour in the frappuccino. Add whipped cream on top. Drizzle chocolate sauce on top of the cream, and sprinkle some cocoa powder on top of everything. Serve.
This was my favorite of the two. It tasted like apple pie with cocoa, which I quite enjoyed. Yet again, using a blender to make this and adding some sweetness it would have been perfect, now it was a bit underwhelming. But this also came to look like I've seen in pics, and that made me feel like I did something right!
![Starbucks copycat recipes](
Have you heard of these drinks before? And, which one would you prefer, the princess or the witch? Let me know in the comments!
That's all I have for you today, and also, I'm sorry for missing posting days this week. The work week got the best of me more than I imagined and I rather take it easier and deliver better posts but less instead of whipping up ones I'm not 100% happy about. Hope you understand that. I still try to get up 1 or 2 makeup looks, one DIY, one recipe and a couple of nail art posts, so it might be that you either get double post days or combined posts, depending on what I feel is the best way to put them up. Thanks for being patient with my lack of posts but sometimes we all just need mental health days from things, right? Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow with another post, okay?
Have a lovely weekend ♥
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