Christmas Time Bucket List

It's here. December. Time for all the Christmas vlogs on YouTube, calendars on blogs and social media, everyone posting Christmas treats, Christmas lights, and other Holiday cheer. I'm a Basic bish and also plan on posting a lot of Holiday related stuff everywhere, and want to make this Christmas one of the best ones so far.

penguin knit

I don't know if I've told this to you, but I love making lists. I actually love it too much. I make all sorts of to-do lists, top 10 lists, wishlists and more every week, and some of them are very useful, whereas some are just done and forgotten. Today's list, however, is something I don't want to forget. Which is why I post it on the Internet for everyone to see. Some of the things might get shared here or on the social media, but some are just for me, because not everything needs to be shared.
  1. Decorate home
  2. Make the Christmas tree cat-proof
  3. Wrap gifts
  4. DIY as many gifts as you can (or parts of them)
  5. Consider DIYing cards
  6. Go to a Christmas concert
  7. Don't stress about the Holiday time
  8. Go to the Christmas market
  9. Prepare Christmas meal with boyfriend
  10. Be thankful for this lovely time of the year
  11. Try to see loved ones
  12. Spoil the cat a little bit
  13. Bake Christmas goodies
  14. Listen to Christmas songs
  15. Watch at least one Christmas themed movie
  16. Paint Christmas nails
  17. Remember to relax
  18. Chill out in winter onesie
  19. Enjoy all the scents of Christmas (food, baking, candles)
  20. Clean the home for holidays
Now it's your turn, tell me at least one thing on your Christmas time bucket list!

Whether you are a regular visitor here or not, I wish you an amazing Holiday season, whether you choose to celebrate it or not. I have planned some themed posts for the whole end of the year, and I hope you will enjoy the posts as well. If you're more into style posts and such, I recommend following me on Instagram, where I post daily outfits and more! You can find me as @silvertigo. I'll see you in my next post!

Have a wonderful day ♥

Have a wonderful day ♥

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xoxo ♥

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