My Cruelty-Free Skincare Routine

Heya babes, Let's talk about skincare, shall we? Skin is our biggest organ, so taking care of it - especially if it gets exposed constantly to sun, pollution or makeup - is vital. It's also the trick to fight the signs of ageing if you are about that life. To me it's more about just keeping the skin clean and healthy, I don't really mind if my age would show since apparently I look younger than I am as it is, and also my age doesn't really define me. But what does define me is having a cruelty-free routine for my skin. If that sounds like something interesting to you, keep on reading!

skincare routine

lumene day moisturizer

Whether I'm doing my makeup or not, I try to at least moisturize the face daily. For that, I use Lumene Ultra Sensitive Day Fluid, which really is light and absorbs quickly, which makes it good choice for under makeup, since it moisturizes but doesn't make the skin oily and therefore make the makeup separate. It is very sensitive and doesn't really smell like anything, which is a pro as fragrance in face moisturizer isn't really my cup of tea, nor do I want a strong product that would make the skin red and make me need even more makeup to even things out.

body shop makeup remover

In the evening, I start the cleansing process with the Body Shop Camomile Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. This one also delivers what the name promises, it removes the eye makeup very well, but is extremely gentle and doesn't even react badly to contact lenses. Because yes, I certainly have got this into my eye. And yes I know it doesn't work like that, haha. Instead of wasting otton pads daily, I add this to a reusable makeup remover (that I wash by hands daily to keep it clean), hold it for few seconds over my eye and then gently wipe off the makeup. This works wonders and I need to buy a bigger bottle very very soon. I sometimes also remove my lip makeup with this because it takes even the dark shades and most of the staining off. 

natural cleanser

After removing most if not all of the color makeup, it's time to remove the base. For that I first use Bio2You Natural Facial Cleanser, which again is a very gentle product but seems effective. It does clean my face from makeup, but since I feel washing your face is really important, I do use another product as well.

body shop cleansing oil

And that second product is Body Shop Camomille Silky Cleansing Oil. This helps my skin not to be super dry after washing unlike it usually becomes after any soap. After this, it feels smooth and hydrated.

body shop micellar water

Before bed, I tend to go over my face with a cotton pad wetted with Body Shop Camomille Fresh Micellar Cleansing Water. This lets me get off even the last bits of residue possibly still on my face. This works miracles, and even on days when I can't bother to really wash my face, the combination of this and baby wipes does do a decent job. 

body shop eye gel

For my under eyes, I like using Body Shop Elderflower Cooling Eye Gel. This one is unperfumed, so it doesn't irritate the sensitive eye area, but it sure does keep my eye area nice and not puffed. I usually put this on at night before bed, but on the worst mornings, I do another round to look more presentable. 

lumene night cream

For the night, I also add on Lumene Nordic C Valo Sleeping Cream. This vegan face cream makes your skin more radiant during the night and claims to help the skin regenerate as you sleep. It does make my skin feel amazing both before bed and as I'm waking up, so there must be some truth to it. The consistency in this is very creamy, but it doesn't feel too heavy even on sensitive skin. 

body shop exfoliation

On 2 to 3 nights per week, I take the extra step of cleaning my skin with the Body Shop Vitamin C Glow Revealing Liquid Peel. This isn't very harsh peel in my opinion, so even 3 times per week isn't too much for the skin. I try to keep it at two though since I've read horror stories about doing too much to your skin, and I rather let it do its own thing sometimes. But this certainly is a good addition to my skincare, and helps me get out those pesky impurities that try to get stuck in my pores. 

Lastly, comparisons from before the routine, and once I've been using all this for a month.

barefaced julyskin starting pointSkin week one

Above is my before the skincare routine bare face. It's not too bad, I've never really had super bad skin to be honest, but there are tiny issues here and there, some pimples, some dirty pores, all that usual stuff. Nothing too horrifying, but also I wouldn't mind having a little more perfect skin. But isn't that all of us ladies, really?


I realized my after pics are in slightly different lighting, but if you can get past that, you can see there isn't too drastic of a difference, I think my cheeks have smoother skin now, and not as much texture, and that same goes to most of my face. So while I can't say this routine does absolute miracles, at least if your skin is somewhat good already, I can, however, say it maintains the skin in good condition and doesn't break it out more than mine usually does. The pimple you see on my chin is hormonal, because it's just so wonderful to be a woman, right?

Have you tried any of these products? Share your thoughts on these and your current favorites in the comments!

That's it for today, but we'll be back really soon with another post. I took this weekend for prepping all this coming week's posts, and will use the week off from work to get as much ahead of the blog posts as humanly possible. I know I will have quite the full autumn in front of me, so in order to not fall back on posting I need to think ahead quite a bit. But that's not your issue, it's mine. For more content, you can follow me on Instagram as @silvertigo, where I post my daily outfits and more. I'll see you in my next post!

Have a lovely day ♥

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