Happy Halloween (and where have I been)

Hey my loves, it's been a while. I've had to put my life first and my internet life second for a bit, hence why I skipped my favorite blogging season this year. For my family's privacy, I don't want to get in too deep about things, but our family lost a member in September very suddenly. While I usually don't go into all the bad things that goes on in my life, as I want this space to be positive and inspiring, and don't really know if sharing my struggles really is that. 

So this little hiatus was me trying to cope with the loss, be there for my family, but also for re-balance my life. Which I can happily announce I've done. There were great ideas for Halloween posts, but I'll save the timeless ones for next year when we can do this better. However today, I wanted to come here and share snapshots of our Halloween decor and let you in the loop what's been going on. 


While I've been away from blogging, I've been working on my education, and I'm couple of courses closer to getting my degree in business. I've been finally planning my thesis, and I'm starting to write it as soon as school approves it. I have been connecting with people more, as well as (in my opinion) bettering my Instagram game. 


But then the darker side. I have been dealing with a sudden loss, feeling all sorts of emotions through the process, being sad not getting to hug that person one last time, and missing that person like crazy. But then again I may never stop missing them. The loss still hurts, every single day. And that hurt has held me back from things, like blogging. I can't explain how hard it is for me to type this all out, yet it is the best way to get back to writing here. Not that I own anyone an explanation, but this does feel right. 


This grieving process has also brought out the knitter in me. Like I mentioned in my post about how to deal with anxiety, knitting does wonders for mental health. It has helped me process emotions, but also to focus on positive things. And as a bonus, beautiful things get created. I'm considering starting to share weekly or monthly DIYs, depending on how much I get done at any given time. I could also do


The little break helped me also in a sense of figuring out how I want to do my blog content from now on. I'm thinking I would try to stick to certain niches in certain days of the week, but that does not mean I will necessarily post every single day. With my schedule, that wouldn't probably be realistic at all if I'm perfectly honest. 


But what I was thinking is that we would have:

Makeup Mondays - All things surrounding beauty and makeup, always on Mondays
Trendy Tuesdays - Spot reserved for exclusively style and fashion
Wisdom Wednesdays - Humpday reflections on topics I have things to say about, but also tips and advice whenever I feel I have something to give to you
Tasty Thursdays - Food, drinks and just all things tasty
Fleeky Fridays - Nails, hair, makeup, fashion... If it can be in fleek, it's allowed here
Sassy Saturdays - Being yourself is sassy, so the random things I want to talk about (that reflect me or interest you) will go here.
Support Sundays - Spot for me to share anyone who has inspired me lately and who I think would inspire you too.  


Do you think any of that would be interesting? Like I said, this doesn't mean I will post seven days a week, but rather that when I get ideas, it's even easier to map them in my schedule since I have designated days for all the topics. And even if I'd only be super passionate about one or two topics, I would still have one of two weekly posts. In my mind that sounds like such a good plan.


If you were to take something actually useful out of this post, let it be this: Take care of your mental health when life is rough. Slow down, and let go of some things that aren't the biggest priority then and there. It was a hard pill to swallow that I can't do everything because I am the type of person who likes to do anything and everything all the time. My life aspiration would be to not need sleep because I could do more with my hours. I know that sounds unhealthy, so let me be more clear; I have a ton of relaxing hobbies, but not enough time to enjoy them all. Which is somewhat sad but once I'm done with my studies I'll have a bit more free time after workdays.


I can't think of much else to say at the top of my head, so I'll leave you with the rest of our Halloween decorations. They probably say enough for themselves. 


What do you think about the Halloween decor this year? Let me know in the comments!

That's it for the little life update and Halloween decor post. I'm honestly so bummed I couldn't give you a proper blogoween this year but life happens. Hopefully, from now on I find the time and mental energy to post every now and then, but like mentioned before, I can't make an exact schedule due to everything there's still going on in my life. But, I do have some posts I really want to get up here in the coming weeks, so I try my best to find an evening or two per week to do blog stuff between everything else. If you like my content, I recommend following me on Instagram, which is by far my most active social media, I'm there more or less daily, posting 1 to 2 pics relating to rock chic lifestyle (but mostly style and makeup, to be honest). You can find me as @silvertigo. I'll also see you soon here in my next post!

Happy Halloween sweeties ♥

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