12 Days of Christmas: Merry Christmas

Not much to say for today, just wanting to wish you happy holidays with few cat pics. I hope you'll have a great time with your loved ones, even if that is the social distancing way that is all too familiar in 2020.

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I'm lucky enough to get to spend some time with my family for a few days, so I may not be as active everywhere as you are used to. It's a healthy break for me as well, because I do spend a lot of time looking at screens and working on posts, typing, planning and whatnot. So I'm giving myself a pass to do pretty much nothing over the holidays, and blogging-wise, I may only be back in January (unless I get super inspired). But in the meantime, you'll have these holiday posts to read, because I bet you haven't read them all yet (since someone dumbed half of them in the course of two days, oops). 

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How are you spending your holidays? Let me know in the comments!

That's all for today, and the next post (I think) will be the yearly recap - and spoiler alert, my plans totally didn't come through, haha. But regardless, it's nice to sit down and reflect the year, and I will make a bucket list for the next year as well, although it might very different than my previous ones, who knows. I'll see you here on the blog next month - but in the meantime you can follow me on Instagram (@jolagerroos), where I will be posting quite many times this year still. 

Happy holidays my loves ♥

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xoxo ♥

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