Kaleidos x Angelica Nyqvist Club Nebula Palette First Impressions & 3 Looks (I tried every color in the palette for you!)

I'm super excited to put today's post up, because today we're talking about one of my favorite beauty creators out there, and more specifically a palette she got to curate with one of her favorite brands - which is such a mood and I couldn't be happier for her. 

Like the title says, I'm of course talking about the Kaleidos x Angelica Nyqvist Club Nebula Palette. If you follow me on Instagram you have seen me talk a little bit about this already, but today I'm giving you the whole first impressions scoop after testing each and every color in the palette at least once. 

So let's get straight to it:

club nebula palette

When I first saw Angelica talk about this palette I knew immediately I had to have it. Not only is it from a brand she constantly praises on the channel, but also the color scheme she curated here is such a perfection; you can do light, dark, colorful, neutral, monotone or multicolor, and without ever bringing another palette along. And yet, the palette will be easy to pair with many since the color scheme and especially the shimmers can be paired with endless other things.

club nebula paletteclub nebula palette

I made the order for me and a friend the day this first launched, and around three weeks later the palettes arrived in this luxurious box. Getting the palettes in this was a mood in itself, and it felt very special to open up the whole thing. 

club nebula palette

The exterior of the palette is absolutely stunning, and the packaging as well as the box they arrived in totally line up to the intergalactic theme of the palette and the shade names, which we can dive in next.

club nebula paletteclub nebula palette

This 15-shade palette consists of 9 mattes and 6 more or less multichrome shimmers, and I would define the color scheme as colorful with a pop of neutral, which is absolutely so Angelica in my opinion. I like that it has few options for deepening up the looks because too many palettes either lack the depth or do the lazy thing and just put a plain black there, and I'm over that. But this palette, true to Angelica's makeup style, has so many possibilities for sultry but colorful looks. And I really love that.

I also like that all of the shade names have more or less nerdy meanings to them, without it being too thematic for those who just like pretty makeup. The shades themselves are something my head couldn't have put together in the same palette and make it look incredibly cohesive at the same time, but I think Angelica and Kaleidos nailed this color scheme absolutely stunningly.

club nebula paletteclub nebula paletteclub nebula palette

Above, you can see some swatches of the shades, and while the mattes there look as good as they do in real life (more or less, at least), the multichrome action barely shows here at all due to my amateur ways with photographing shifting colors. I think I should have used a flash, a ring light, or something to make the shift truly show but oh well.... If you want a multichrome swatch party on Instagram Story, let me know.

Below, however, I'll show you three looks I did with the palette, using all but three shades of the palette. Although, the title doesn't lie, I did do looks with every single shade but my busy head forgot to shoot one of them with the blog camera so... This is what studying alongside a full-time job does to you, haha.

club nebula paletteclub nebula palette

This first look was done with the shades Celestial, Samus, Nebula, Red Giant and Cylon. I wore this on Valentine's day for a night in with the boyfriend and loved the orange to red to purple color scheme, which was like a beautiful sunset. This was the first thing I created with the palette, and loved how creamy the shades felt, how easy they were to work with and how beautifully they both blended and layered, which definitely isn't given when it comes to eyeshadows.

After this look, I did a green to blue look with the first row of the palette and the shade Astro from the middle of the second row, from which you don't have photos here (again, my busy head apologizes), but I had a blast creating it, and again, the shades worked like a dream.

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Next, I wanted to try all the shades I hadn't put on my face before, which were You're My Only Hope, Naaru and Rockhopper. I added some Cylon to this look as well to make it a bit more purple and little more dark, and tied the look together with a lilac liner. This showed me a bit of the palette's neutral potential, and I was very impressed yet again.

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Last but not least, I did another take on the green look to take pics in my newly done blue hair (no more roots, lol), and used the shades Firefly, Gravity and Queen of Blades to do quite a simple green-toned look. So basically you're only missing pictures of me using 7 of 9, Astro and Void, but take my (or anyone else's talking about this palette) word for it, the quality in every single shade of this palette is quite phenomenal.

If you like to play with colors when it comes to makeup and can splurge a little bit on a palette, I would highly recommend this one based on using it for a few times. This one feels more high quality than most of my shadows, even though I do love my JSC palettes to death. But I'm very interested to branch out on other brands and therefore I was so excited to try Kaleidos out for the first time ever. 

Have you tried this palette? If so, what do you think about it?
And, do you have (cruelty-free) makeup brands you would like to hear my thoughts about?
Sound off in the comments below!

This is all I have for you today, but I'll be back really soon with another one. I will try my best to prep the whole month of March of content during the next week, but if you have requests for future posts for Spring, send those to me either in the comment section or to any of my social media accounts. I'll see you in another post!

Have a wonderful day ♥

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