On the Road: Furniture and Light Fair

Hey babes!

How are you? ♥

Today is time for the last piece of my Stockholm adventure, and this time I'm showing you photos from Furniture and Light Fair we visited as a part of our trip, and as decorating is close to my heart now (because of the new place), I tried to soak in as much inspiration as I possibly could. The photos here are my favorite bits and pieces of the fair, though I didn't have the time to photograph absolutely everything.

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Innovative lamps in one stand.

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A creative way to show you sell carpets.

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Probably my dream dining table - if it can be bought in dark brown.

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Huge installation in the middle of everything.

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I loved this simple design for water taps. Notice the overly cute pink one!

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I think I found a brand I need to decorate my future dream bathroom with. Duravit. The company has amazing designs for bathrooms, and some for kitchens as well.

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How great would this be for bathroom? Everything would be so very organized!

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Awesome food stand, providing free snacks for all. I get seriously hungry every time I look at this photo.

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Happy blogger in Duravit stand. (Photo credit: P)

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I think me and May both went a little crazy with our cameras once we found the Light section of the fair. But there were too many lovely things to photograph it was impossible to resist.

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I totally loved this as a decoration idea, and I totally need to recreate something similar once I can go crazy with details here in the new place. ;)

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I loved this little aquarium, it's so retro and fun!

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After the fair, me and the girls headed to shops of Stockholm to waste away the last hours of the trip, and after running around for hours with just breakfast, we decided to go and have pizza. I can't remember what was the name of the place, but I would definitely recommend it, the pizza was amazing - yet very affordable!

After that we did have a way too fun cruise back home to Finland, but no photos to be published due privacy reasons (it would be too much work to ask every single person whether or not I could post a tipsy pic of them here, so... I know you guys understand.)

Today our home will get a fabulous new addition as our brand new couch arrives. I can't wait to post photos and stuff, but before you can see anything in the blog, I strongly encourage you to check my IG account (@silvertigo) for the latest updates and snapshots of my life.

But now, it's time for me to hurry to school for a marketing lecture!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous week! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Wow! I really love european furniture and home decor, the modern contemporary flair is what draws me in,

    1. I know what you mean, especially the Scandinavian way of having nothing unnecessary anywhere is fab. I love simplicity in design, so nearly everything in the fair was lovely in my opinion :D

  2. Wauu, upeita sisustusratkaisuja. Etenkin tuo laatikko johon saisi kaikenmoiset tarvikkeet siististi järjestykseen, aww. ^^

    Indie by heart
    Join my Kukee - necklace Giveaway!

    1. Jep, mun mielestä toi laatikko kylppärin/vessan lavuaarin alle olis ihan must! :)

  3. OMG, i love that little aquarium! i wish i had that on y room :))

  4. The fair looks like so much fun. I need that chandelier in my life.

    1. Me too! There were so many amazing lamps and chandeliers I could've bought like 20 or so :D

  5. oh i love furniture fairs - so much fun to go in and assemble my "dream home" in my head. haha. that massive installation looks really cool and i love the pink tap!

    steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com

    1. In know, I do that too! And to get to go there free as a mandatory task from school, that was awesome. ♥

  6. Vau, tosi hienoja nuo hanat! Mä voisin ottaa tuon pinkin ;)

  7. Wow! I love everything! Especially the water taps:)

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