Playground 2.0

Hiya lovelies

How are you all today? ♥

I'm finally back from a couple of days' trip to Helsinki - which oddly enough didn't include any shopping, but loads of NHL instead. We played it, we watched it.

Anyone else out there excited about Bruins making it to the finals? 

I know I am. Sadly Boston got so unlucky on the first game, with Ference having his skate in wrong place in the wrong time. But maybe they can put it past them and still win the Stanley Cup. ;)

Okay, enough hockey, I'm just so passionate about it I can't help but to talk about it. Sorry!

Anyway, today I wanna share some photos from our evening walk couple of weeks ago. I'm so sad I haven't had the chance to blog more often, as I would have so much in store for you. But I try to catch up as soon as I can.

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That day, we were passing by a playground. And the child that I
 am, I couldn't resist taking photos there.

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Detail shot of my ripped jeans. Love them!

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Ripped jeans: T-shirt: H&M White top: Gina Tricot Ballet flats: Skopunkten Jacket: Only Belt: thrifted Necklace: Gina Tricot Bracelet: Bijou Brigitte

Not a super fashionable look, and bot too amazing in any way, but still good enough to share here I guess. You know, since we all dress mostly casually anyways. ;) It would be cheating if I only shared my finest looks here, right?

But hey, what do you guys think about this look? Where do you like to take your outfit photos?

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Lastly, a random snapshot from that walk. I love the time when the trees start to get green again!

Tomorrow, we'll hit the road again, so I really hope I will find some time to really go through blogs, answer your comments and such. It's been a bit hectic, I should say. :D I hope things will settle down next week, finally. It's kinda hard to go without blogging for days. And without reading blogs, too. I've missed so much!!

But, I will go now to get ready for the trip tomorrow, see you as soon as I can!

Have a fabulous weekend ♥




  1. Looking fabulous as always, love the hair and the jacket girl! You're looking really well. (You already know I don't take outfit shots, but you do a fab job of them!!!)

    I hope you had fun in Helsinki! Have a fab weekend!

    1. Thank you! I had fun, very much actually ;)

  2. YOu make hockey sound interesting. I may have to get into it. Love this look so much. The pink detailing looks great.

    1. Haha, that's because hockey interesting ;) I can totally help you to get into it. :D

  3. Beautiful and cute look doll!
    I love watching all kind of sport, but I can't see myself playing hockey.

    1. Thank you! I actually really like playing hockey, I'm just pretty bad at it - except if you count playing on PS3 ;D ♥

  4. i LOVE your hair and how amazing is your ripped jeans! Hope you had a lovely trip!

    steph /


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