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Hi lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I noticed I had a longer break between the posts than usual, but you know, that's life. Sometimes there's so much more going on. Actually, as I'm typing I should be doing the dishes and finishing off today's workout, but I just couldn't resist the temptation of writing a post for you.

For those few who are wondering how my healthy July is going, I can proudly tell it's going well. I admit that there have been a couple of  setbacks due to schedule issues, but I'm almost where I was supposed to be today.

Now, before today's photos, I would like to remind you to send more questions to the Ask Me Anything post (click the link!), as we still don't have enough there to make a proper answer post. ;) You can ask pretty much anything, it can be about shallow things as fashion and makeup, up to the questions that deal with religion or whatever. There aren't that many things that are simply too personal, so go ahead and ask. Anything you'd like to know about me. :)

Okay, so, to the post in hand. Today's look is a pretty simple one, and it's from a day I couldn't really bother to style a very different and amazing outfit. But we all have those days, right?

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Shorts: H&M Top: Cubus Booties: Boohoo Bag: Boohoo Bracelets: Gina Tricot Sunglasses: Citymarket

Can you believe those glasses came from a grocery store? Okay, from a big one, but still. Goes to show that not every accessory needs to be Gucci or something to look great. Actually, every single thing on this outfit has been bought with some sort of discount. I'm a bargain hunter, which is essential when loving fashion but needing to shop on a tiny budget because of studying and such. In the end, though, style is about how you put pieces together, not where you buy them. ;)

That text really didn't have to do much about the look itself... Oh well, it's so basic there's hardly anything for me to say about it. Simple items, easy colors, very basic - meaning, I love it. Not that I don't love details, but you need different things sometimes.

But what do you guys think about this simple look?

In the morning, we're getting up quite early, and we will get once again on the road to go help my fiance's family to paint a small building. Nice way to spend a sunny day off, I think. And it's been a long time since I last got to paint anything bigger than a nightstand. (Which reminds me, I still haven't posted pictures of our not-so-new-anymore bedroom... I try to get on that next month when I have my summer vacation!)

Anyway, I'm off now, to finish off a couple of tasks before heading to bed!

Have a lovely day! ♥

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Blog ya later,




  1. Replies
    1. Thank you honey, sometimes simple is the best ;)

  2. Glad to hear things are going well, hun. Adore this outfit. Your nails look ultra fabulous. If you get a sec, I've got some super exciting news I'm sharing on my blog today. I'd love if you'd check it out. xo

    1. Thank you so much, Anna! Long time no see, huh? ;) I will visit you very soon, hun! ♥

  3. Se on taas ollu kovin kauniina.:) <3 oon kans huomannu et viime viikkoina on itelläki jääny blogipäiviä väliin, mut toisaalta kesällä pitääkin nauttia ja touhuta mahdollisimman paljon.:)

    1. Aww, voi kiitos ihana! ♥ Suomen kesä on kyllä niin lyhyt yleensä et siitä pitää ihan todella nauttia ;)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment for me. I always read every single one of them, and they truly make my day! Please remember to be nice while commenting, thank you! ♥

You can comment in following languages (as these are the ones I understand):
English, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, German

xoxo ♥

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