Stripes vs. Aztec

Heya lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I spent the whole last night at work, and hence no post yesterday. Today, however, we're spending a lazy night at home with my boys - they're tasting beers, I'm enjoying my cider and wine and trying to be a official coordinator of their beer tasting. I must say, it's pretty fun to watch them blind taste different beers, as they don't have a clue what I'm giving them. :D

Today, I'm posting something I planned to post yesterday. It's another nail art post, but there's little more to it than usual.

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First up, a simple manicure done with my new China Glaze Ombre Kit. I wanted to try something simple first time I used the set properly, but maybe next time I'll do a proper gradient with them.

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The polishes used here are the China Glaze Ombre Kit - Grape Expectations, which includes shades Crimson, Grape Pop, Spontaneous and Sweet Hook. Also, on the pinky there's China Glaze White On White. For the stripes, I used a purple striping tape.

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I'm starting to like these simple designs more and more, I can't believe I haven't liked this kind of manicures before.

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For the other mani, I decided to show you a little background of how it's done. So first, I covered my nails with Essie All In One Base. Then, I covered my nails with white polish (2 layers of it). When it was properly dry, I added striping tapes more or less unevenly. Then it was time to start painting with five different colors.

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Let it dry...

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...and remove the tapes. Then, since I was doing aztec print, it was time to take out the dotting tool, thin nail art brush and black polish. And what was the result?

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Intentionally uneven and not that neat. Of course, this could be done perfectly, but this time I didn't really want that.

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And now I also have to admit that I don't actually remember which polishes I used, but they were all from different brands, going from H&M to Ciaté. :D

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Personally, I liked this mani a lot. It was colorful, unique, and inspired by my new aztec leggings you and see below:

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So here's what I have for you today, now, I need to be off to give more beer to the guys, haha. (And remember you young ones, drinking is for adults only and should be done responsibly. We are all over 18 - legal limit for drinking in Finland - and the boys are tasting beer, not getting drunk in the sense.)

But, what do you think about these nails? Which one you like the best? Also, would you like posts about the nail art techniques and such, like a nail art school or so? Let me know in the comments! ♥

I'm off now, but I try to be back very soon!

Have a lovely day ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Pikkasen hienot..!:OO ♥

  2. These look amazing, definitely worth the time it takes! x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  3. Tosi hienot nämä viimeiset! Voi kun itselläkin olisi aikaa ja jaksamista näpertää tällaisia:) oot tosi taitava!:)

    1. Kiitos, mä en vois elää ilman tätä näpretelyä, tosin varmasti tulevaisuudessa tilanteet pakottaa mullakin vähentämään ;) Tällainen puuhastelu menee aika helposti telkkaria katsellessa, jos ei muuten aikaa löydy ;) ♥

  4. Oh my, these are amazing, especially the aztec ones! I never have enough patience :) heheh

    - Che

    1. Thanks babe! :) I know what you mean, it was like that for me too for a long time. ;) ♥

  5. wow love both looks! great nailpolish!

  6. Both of these nail looks are positively gorgeous; but the purple stripes are my favorite. They look so incredible, Johanna!!


  7. Tosi ihanat, en itse pysty tekemaan yksityiskohtia :/


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xoxo ♥

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