Born Pretty Store Haul ♥

Heya everyone, and Happy New Year! ♥

I hope your NYE went well and that your year has started off nicely. We had a great, great party of 4 last night, and spent the time playing board games and stuff, pretty quiet, I know, but that's really the way I like it.

I was supposed to come and post my December Link Love today, but instead I'm going to post this pretty quick haul post, because I rather do a good job with the Link Love post and publish it later as January Link Love. So sorry for the delay, I know I'm a terrible blogger but please bear with me.

Anyway, today I wanted to share my latest haul from Born Pretty Store. This is stuff I ordered already on November, but only got it just before Christmas because obviously there was delay with mail everywhere in the world around that time. This is all something I got for $35 or something, so pretty nice deal, don't you think?

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Here you can see the whole bunch of stuff I got, and below, I will give you a closer look to all the stuff.

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Feathers for nail art, in red and in white/neutral. Totally fun, as I finally get to try out feather manicure!

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Bat-shaped double ring. Because it's so cool.

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New cleaning brush for finishing off my manicures.

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Contents of my surprise bags, I loved the striping tapes and Hello Kitty stickers but not so sure about the Angry Birds stickers... If anyone out there wants them, I can totally send them for you!

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3D objects to stick on my nails, I'm so in love with the spikes there! ♥

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Tip guides and cute freebie stickers ♥

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Nail wraps for creating accent nails, the palm tree ones are supposed to glow in the dark but I haven't tested that out yet.

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Some hair stuff, clip on stripes in cute colors and little rubber bands for braiding.

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The only thing I was supposed to buy that time, nail polish displays...

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And last but not least, my new pack of makeup brushes!

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So many pretty brushes in a cute black faux leather pack. I really, really love these, and the ones I have tried out have felt super good in use. I will go on about these brushes after I've tried them all and figured out which is which and things like that. So stay tuned for that!

That's all I have for you today, I just really wanted to show you guys these cute things I got last month. Some of the things you see here might just be a part of my giveaway once we hit the big 300 readers via GFC. ;)

Now, I really need to go and watch a movie with my man and some fast food, before going to bed way too early as I need to get up before 5am. Crazy, right?

Let me know what you think about these products and if any of these actually are something that would be fun things to have in a giveaway later this year. ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Looks like you got some great bits - I'm so jealous. I'm definitely due a shopping trip. That ring is so cool.

    1. Thank you sweetie - and no reason to be jealous, you can borrow the discount code on the sidebar to get a nice deal from there yourself ;)

  2. Onks tolta sivulta helppo tilata? :) miten siis maksaminen onnistuu ja voiks paketit joutua tulliin? :)

    1. On helppoa tilata, varsinkin jos on PayPal-tili. :) Tavarat ei ainakaan mulla oo vielä kertaakaan menny tulliin (kaikkina kahtena kertana kun oon tilannu, heh), mutta periaatteessa totta kai ne voi koska kyseessä on EU:n ulkopuolelta tulevaa tavaraa. :)

  3. lovely <3
    happy new year!

  4. That's an insane deal especially with the brushes!!! And I cannot wait to see your feather manicure!

    1. Thanks love, with this one I can just say that once I was in the right place at the right time, haha :D I'll be posting a picture of the first feather mani later this month! ♥

  5. That bat ring is awesome; and I LOVE the pieces for 3D nail art. I am off to check out this shop right now!!


    1. Thanks love, if you order there, do take advantage of the 10% off code I have for you all ♥

  6. Juu nuo niitit kiinnittivät kyllä omankin huomion .. Makeita! Niihin on varmaan joku liima, vai lakka .. :) Aikamoinen saalis !

    Sain muuten alekoodin -10% kyseiselle sivustolle, jota saa hyödynnellä (en itse hyödy siitä mitenkään, eli ei kerry bonuksia muiden tekemistä ostoista tai vastaavaa. Teen blogiyhteistyön eli saan pari ilmaista juttua, ja he räätälöivät lukijoitani varten oman koodin :)

    x Satu
    Indie by heart

  7. (haha mutta sullahan olikin jo oma koodi ;) Saako sitä käyttää muuten itse ? Enpä ole tullut vielä kysyneeksi kaupalta. :)

    1. Hihi, joo mulla on sama yhteistyökuvio heidän kanssaan, mahtavaa kuulla että sinäkin olet päässyt mukaan! Mulla toi koodi on ainakin sellainen että saan käyttää sitä itsekin, mutta tosiaan mitään erityistä bonusta ei kerry mihinkään. :)

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you honey, Happy New Year to you too! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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