New Little Things ♥

Hiya loves!

How are you today? ♥

I have managed to tackle yet another morning shift, and only two more until the weekend, yay! Also, today I got out in the sun and went walking with my camera - and captured pretty cute photos, even though I say so myself. I've also been happy because I've been waiting for some packages for a while now, and finally received them this week. And one of them is something I really wanted to share with you today.

These are items I bought yet again from Born Pretty Store, you may know I've been buying nail art stuff from there, but I finally decided to try out other sections as well. So here you can see what I got from them:

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A lovely multicolored glitter mix polish in an adorable heart-shaped bottle ♥

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UV nail polish (you know, the kind that glows under the UV lights), because every girl needs a proper party polish ♥

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Matte top coat - because my last one is nearly finished ♥

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Swatches of each of the polish. The matte polish looks like silvery thing here, but it's really not. It's just really, really matte.

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Two mystery boxes...

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...first one containing a studded watch that serves also as a lovely bracelet...

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...and second one containing a lovely white watch with rose gold details. I can totally see this as a part of some cool armparty later this year.

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And last but not least (though you might think so because the photo doesn't do any justice), are my new cut out leggings. These are so very cool and I can't wait to show them as a part of an outfit so that you'll see how amazing these are, but if you are curious you can go and check them out here. (I don't get paid a cent even if you click the link and buy stuff.)

So that kind of little newbies this week, I really like what I got and I'm so excited to get to wear these all later on.

However, now I need to go get some food and then sleep, because yet again, I have 4:40am wake up in the morning... Thank God it's weekend soon. Oh, and speaking of weekend, we'll have another little trip then, so stay tuned via Instagram (@silvertigo) to see snapshots in case the blog is a bit silent from Friday to Sunday. I try to write something beforehand, but let's see if I have time for that. :D

Anyway, I'm off now!

Have a fabulous day, everyone ♥


  1. The polishes are lovely, I really need to try out a matte top coat! x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

    1. I recommend every polish-loving girl to get a matte top coat. It doubles your polish collection instantly as you then can have every shade with two finishes. ;) ♥

  2. Hirmuisen söpöjä nuo mysteerilaatikot ja nuo kellot ovat todella kauniita:)

    1. Hihi, joo noi kellojen laatikot täytyy kyllä uusiokäyttää lahjapaketteina kun ovat niin nättejä. Ja kellot oli vaan muutaman dollarin, ja ainakin toistaiseksi näyttäisivät toimivan moitteettomasti ;) ♥

  3. Looks like you got some amazing stuff. Both watches look amazing.

    1. Thanks, they really are pretty cool, all of them. Can't wait to wear the leggings when the weather gets warmer! :) ♥

  4. I want to see the leggings in a look!!

  5. Eeeek hope you got some sleep! I hate early mornings!


  6. Nuo kynsilakat jää nyt kummittelemaan miun päähän, joten täytyy varmaan käydä kurkkimassa kunhan saan ensin Fragrance Directin paketin kotiin. Pistin palkkapäivänä taas tilausta tulemaan (tai no ei koko jättipaketti edes kustantanut kuin 70e mutta kumminkin, kun ei ole luottokorttia niin täytyy vähän miettiä mihin ja milloin rahansa käyttää näihin "tyttöjen turhuuksiin" :)) ja en malta odottaa en sitten yhtään! Vaikka tietää mitä on tilannut, on olo aina kuin pikkutyttönä ennen joulupukin saapumista..

    Indie by heart

    1. Hihi, ymmärrän, mulla on palkkapäivinä samaa vikaa - paitsi nyt, kun koitan säästellä matkakassaa kesälle ;) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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