New Creative Outlet ♥

Hello Lovelies!

How was your weekend? ♥

I have finally gotten better with my flu and so there has been more energy for all the fun things. And, speaking of fun things, I really wanna share with you something I got in the mail on Friday:

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Keri Smith Deluxe Boxed Set ♥

For those who don't know, Keri Smith is the author of Wreck This Journal, which is this amazing creative journal that encourages you to do different and even outrageous things to it. Some might even call it a suicidal book, as it begs to be destroyed in different ways and so on. I have wanted one for a long time, but forgot all about it until a month ago, when I saw it on Grav3yardgirl's YouTube channel (check her out here, I love her quirky self ♥). Right after that, I ordered this box - but apparently Bunny had convinced many others to get the same one too, as it took a month to get to me instead of the estimated 7-14 days. Oh well.

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The box includes these four books, the infamous Wreck This Journal, it's messier twin Mess, the book called This Is Not A Book, and the adventurous little guy The Pocket Scavenger. I can't wait to get it going with all of these, and I actually already started with my WTJ, from which I have a couple of photos for you below:

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Finally mine ♥

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I didn't do that many pages yet, as we're having a couple of friends over the next weekend, and some more people after a month or so, and I really wanna get people involved with this - everybody needs their inner child, right? So more of this later on, I think I try to pick out the best ones and/or make simple little collages, so that I won't end up with super long, 60-picture posts. ;)

I know you're supposed to destroy this, but I rather see it as a fun creative project with friends, not so much as a complete destruction. I hope I can keep the book somewhat intact through the mission.

Are you familiar with the concept of Wreck This Journal? Have you tried to destroy one - or will you maybe try after seeing this? Comment below and let me know your thoughts! ♥

Now, I'll go watch some quality TV (The Simpsons) with my fiance, and I hope that tomorrow I will get up another post - as I have some outfit posts hanging in drafts and need to be written and published soon! ♥

Have a fabulous start for your week!


  1. This sounds incredible. Haha. I think I need one in my life for sure!

    1. I strongly recommend it, it's so fun! And you can do it with a best friend or a sibling, too! ♥

  2. Omigosh this is sooooo friggin' COOL! I"ve never heard of it but will definitely look into ordering some for myself, my gfs, nieces, cuzzies...too awesome not to share! Espesh for us creative types who can't write dailies to save our lives!

    Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

    1. I'm so glad you find this fun, too! You can check out others' creations by just searching with the name of the book, there's pics all over the internet :D ♥

  3. Love it! I am trying to find a nice journal. This looks fun!

    1. Well this certainly is a bit of a different one :D I really recommend checking this book out if you have the chance! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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