New Spring Items ♥

Hello my darlings!

How are you all? ♥

I've had longer gaps with the blog posts than I would've wanted to, because I'm dealing with some stuff in my personal life. But not to worry, it's nothing too serious - actually it's something I want to write about later on when I get things in order. But in the meantime, I will show you the results of a little retail therapy I did last week:

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A little accessory haul from Boohoo. I have been thinking a lot about how I want my style to really be, and so I needed a little accessory fix to take a step forward to it. (Naturally the next step is cleaning up some unnecessary items from the closet.) You can see elements that I've many times stated being favorites of mine, black, bright pink, studs...

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A pair of black over-knee socks, totally something my rock chic looks need - can't wait to wear these!

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Another beanie, in neon pink. Do I even need to explain myself with this? Probably not.

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Pink sneakers. Because you can not have too many pairs of sneakers. And they're pink.

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Studded gloves. These really have to wait for the warmer weather - and a day I actually feel comfortable leaving the house with a stack of rings. They don't cover the hand very far, so they're more of a fashion statement than a warming element.

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And lastly, two pairs of sunnies. These are not as appealing to me as my beloved aviators, but I figured I should try out different things. And these were cheap, and just simply plastic, so I won't feel too bad if something happens to them.

That's it for today, hope you liked my little haul. Have you all done any hauls lately? What will your style look like this spring? ♥

Now, I really must head to work, but I try to have another post up tomorrow!

Have a fabulous day ♥


  1. Replies
    1. Voi kiitos, se on kyllä suoraan noussut omiin suosikkeihin ;) ♥

  2. I love all the pink here. Especially loving the pink trainers. I need to go shopping!

    1. One can never have enough pink shoes, huh? :D ♥


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xoxo ♥

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