You Gonna Hear Me Roar ♥

Heya lovelies!

How was your weekend? ♥

Mine flew by so fast, but luckily I'm now on vacation from work so it's not quite yet time for work tomorrow. Today I actually did a little Spring makeover in our kitchen, which I will be talking about more tomorrow, and I'm planning on doing a little tidy-up around the house - like decluttering, reorganizing and such. Also, I have been training more regularly lately to sooth down my anxiety and to get more fit, and that is another thing I will be doing a post about later on, because it's been super effective so far.

However today I just wanted to share this outfit really quickly with you all.

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This is yet another pretty typical look for me with booties, jeans and leather in it. The special part this time are the animal prints and pink details.

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There's actually no snow here anymore, but these pics were taken like two weeks ago when nights were still colder.

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Jeans: Gina Tricot Booties: Tiger knit: SammyDress Leather jacket: H&M Scarf: Mango Bag: Boohoo Beanie: Cubus Sunglasses: Citymarket Earrings: Gina Tricot

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See how my cellphone matches my lips and beanie? Yeah, so cool. And yes, I'm an adult with penguin covers. Deal with it.

But what do you think about the look? Have you also been getting nice weather lately?

Now, I'm gonna head to watch some TV and eat, but I'll be back tomorrow with some home makeover!

Have a great day! ♥


  1. I love that you added a touch of color for this outfit, the pink looks awesome in this combo!

  2. LOVE that top so much, and it's so perfect with the scarf. You look amazing in such bold prints.

  3. Thank you doll! I really try to learn to be more bold with the patterns ;) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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