Slashed leggings ♥

Hello lovelies!

How are you today? ♥

It's incredible how time has been flying the past few days, I was supposed to open the laptop many times and start typing, but yet I haven't. However today, as I am prepping for the Easter - planning outfits, buying some food, checking schedules - I found a little time to sit down and write a post. I also need to write one or two posts for the weekend, as I will not be reaching the computer that much. We will be visiting friends and family the whole weekend, and I don't wanna miss a thing because of technology.

What plans do you have for the Easter weekend? Do you celebrate Easter, or some other holiday right now? Let me know in the comments!

Anyway, today I wanted to share this look with you, that I built around the "slashed leggings" I bought a while ago from Born Pretty Store. 

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I usually don't wear leggings as pants, but with long knits, I guess it's kind of acceptable. I really, really love these leggings and can't wait to rock them more.

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Mix & match in both nails and accessories. If you want to see more pictures of these nails, see this post (click!).

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Leggings: Born Pretty Store
Jacket: H&M
Tiger shirt: SammyDress
Sneakers: Boohoo
Sunglasses: Boohoo
Necklaces: Gina Tricot
Rings: JC, SpiritStore

I wanted something simple and casual, but still bring some street style to it, and that's why I added the girly jacket and rings. I guess this type of outfits will be my uniform this weekend, as we are having casual Easter instead of celebrating big. Not that we'd usually celebrate that big, it's more of a family holiday for us. This is also pretty much the way I like to dress now that the weather is getting warmer - before I get to wear shorts, skirts and dresses properly, that is.

What do you think about this look, and what are you wearing today? ♥

Now, I need to head out to get some exercise, after which I still have a ton of things to do before work. Who knew it's so serious business to get ready for holidays? Anyways, I will not entirely abandon the blog for the weekend, I will have scheduled posts for you, and I will try to reply to the comments as much as I can. You can always reach me through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, even if I'm not writing stuff so actively, and I will probably take snapshots with my phone along the way and share them on those three platforms. So get social and follow me on those, I will usually try to return the favor.

But now, I gotta dash!

Have a fabulous day ♥


  1. Easter is my favorite holiday! I am quite impatient for the weekend to begin))) I also like the way you look, those photographs are so pretty!
    Have a fabulous time!


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xoxo ♥

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