MUA Mini Haul ♥

Hello lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I've been having such a lazy time with the grey weather and haven't been up to much of anything again. I know, I'm so boring, haha. Oh, well actually I did get some mail today that might actually make some of you happy later this week - but I will not give any hints to you yet.

However what I do wanna share is this little haul I did, visiting the MUA Cosmetics online store last time. So everything is totally bought with my own money.

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And here they are. Not much things, but I thought it would be fun to share them with you anyway.

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Firstly, I had to get a new liquid liner. Surprisingly enough, this £1 product beats the more pricey alternatives I've tried so far. I wouldn't say it's that waterproof though, but that's actually not an issue for me.

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As I've seen amazing eye makeup creations with white eyeliner in them, so I picked up one for myself so that I can try to recreate some of those.

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Another thing I needed to replace was the bronzer. I found this cute mosaic one, and the shade looked appropriate so I bought it. And as I have now used it several times, I can tell you it's very lovely. It actually can give you different shades depending on where you place your brush as you can probably imagine. Definitely something I will be repurchasing.

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I've been having a bit of lip makeup obsession lately, so when I saw this adorable shade of pink I simply had to have it. Do you understand why? Thought so much.

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And lastly, since I've been curious to try out new lip colors, I got this fun little lilac to spice up my looks when I don't feel like doing so much to my eyes. Too bad this isn't as lilac on the lips as I hoped, but I still like the color. This is a matte, so I'm guessing if I'd find a nice lilac lip gloss they would make a great combo.

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And then swatches from all of them. From left to right: white eyeliner, bronzer, lipgloss and the lipstick. And even though my skin looks weird-colored, the shades of the products are actually accurate. But you'll probably see all these later on some "face of the day" kind of posts.

That's all I have for you today, hope you liked this one at least a little bit. I still have fun things to post this week, so stay tuned for that.

Now, please let me know what you think about these purchases in the comments below! I will see you tomorrow with another post ♥

Have a lovely day!


  1. Katsoin jo instassa että tuo huulipuna, voi miten älyttömän ihana sävy! Mun vain pitäisi kerätä hurjasti rohkeutta lilaan huulipunaan, en tiijä miksi mutta se on vaan huulipunana sellainen pelottava yksilö. Ihana että sulla löytyy aina rohkeutta kokeilla!

    1. No mullakin meni pari vuotta kerätä rohkeutta et voihan se olla että sinäkin vaikka jo ensi kesänä innostut ;) Voin koittaa tehdä muutamat arkimeikit liilan kanssa tänne tai Instaan niin jos siinä vaikka olis inspiraatiota :) ♥

  2. Looks like a great haul. I've wanted to try the white eyeliner trend for a while. Let me know how you use it.

    1. I'll be posting something good for ya this week! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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