Scarf Head ♥

Heya people!

How are you today? ♥

I'm just trying to pack everything for the weekend trip we're starting late tonight. We decided to drive in the night to avoid all the traffic and such, and this way, we get to spend more time in the cabin. Since I need to actually get to packing, I'll cut the blabber pretty short this time, and just get into the outfit I wanna share with you.

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It's just a simple little number I put together for a bit of a lazy day - when I couldn't even bother with my hair, lol. I really did like this one though, it fit the casual day perfectly.

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Jeans: Cubus Cardigan: Only Top: H&M Ballet flats: Boohoo Bag: Boohoo Necklace: Boohoo Scarf: so old I can't remember... 

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One of my favorite pairs of shoes. Love them to bits.

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So that kind of a casual look today. I hope you guys liked this post, and this look.

Please let me know what you think about this outfit in the comments below! ♥

For the next couple of days, the posts will be scheduled. I try to publish and answer all the comments you send without much delay, but I'm not sure how good the Internet will be in the forest with my cell phone, so... We'll see. But I'll be back on Sunday, so I will catch up then by the latest. You can stalk me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (links on the right hand side of the page) for little updates over the weekend.

Have an awesome weekend, everybody! ♥


  1. Oi tosi kiva asu! Tuo paita on aivan ihana, kelpaisi mullekkin!:D Hiustyylisikin on mieleeni, tykkään ♥

    1. Voi kiitos kovasti, paitaa saattaa vielä löytää H&M:ltä, toi on kuitenkin loppukeväästä ostettu ♥

  2. Great outfit ! Like your headband, have similary!

    1. Thank you! Nice to know you have one too! ♥


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment for me. I always read every single one of them, and they truly make my day! Please remember to be nice while commenting, thank you! ♥

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English, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, German

xoxo ♥

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