Our Wedding Journey: Designing the Invites

Hello lovelies!

How are you all? ♥

I've had a nice weekend away from the computer, which was much needed after starting the internship and working more or less on a computer 8 hours per day. Not to worry though, my writing schedule be more on point after the coming week as I get some things over and done with.

As you might have read here, my man and I are getting married this summer, and there are quite many things we need to take care of before the big day. Our party will be quite casual, but I'd like to share some little details here with you along the way. One of them being the invites, which have been mailed to our loved ones some days ago. I have showed a sneak peek a while back on my Instagram, but let's talk a bit about it here on the blog as well.

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I definitely wanted to make our cards myself, especially since we didn't need that many and we wanted quite simple ones. The hardest point here was choosing the colors, but we opted for this cute pink (which I love a lot, like I love everything pink) with black and white detailing.

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I'm not much of a calligrapher, so I chose word stickers instead (otherwise we would've have different writing in every invite). We used some lace and handmade bows to give the invites a romantic touch. And yes, I made the bows myself, using ribbon and fork. Not too difficult, since there are tons of tutorials to help you out.

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The cards ended up looking like this, and we sent them out in pink envelopes. I also created a appropriate texts inside with all the needed details, but for privacy reasons I won't be sharing those here. But I can tell you this much: I pictured what I wanted the insides of the cards to look like, and then hunted down free fonts from the internet. I searched for fonts one can use without credit when doing non-commercial stuff. I found nice ones from here: http://www.1001freefonts.com/ (Always check the source so that you know if a donation or other credit is needed to use the fonts.)

So that, in all shortness is how our wedding invites turned out. We are pretty happy with them, and we hope our guests like them as well. Now all I need is an outfit for the big day, and I'm mostly done with the preparations. We'll see what more I can post about the event before the day itself.

But now, I really need to hit the bed as I need to be up nice and early tomorrow morning. I'm guessing I will be having another tough week since I'm still so new to the workplace and I have a ton to learn. I will be back soon however, since I have so many posts I simply need to get out here to remain any of my planned schedule. Stay tuned!

Have a great start for your week!


  1. Wow! Those are truly beautiful! Congrats on your upcoming marriage! :)
    Also, how is it possible that you speak five languages?! Why couldn't I be so lucky? I still mess up on my one and only language - English. :(
    If you are interested my blog is womensworldcup2015.blogspot.com
    Audrey L

    1. Thank you so much! I simply love learning new languages, I would love to know even more than the ones mentioned. And being from Finland, I think I need to know foreign languages just to get by in the world (because I want to see and understand the world outside of my own country). :) ♥

  2. Aivan ihastuttavia kutsuja, ihana tuo valkoinen pitsi ja musta rusetti:3

    1. Kiitos ihana, yritettiin tehdä meidän näköisiä, kuitenkin niin että ne näyttää ihan hääkutsuilta kuitenkin ;) ♥

  3. Wow! These look amazing! I love the colours - they really accent each other well. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Such an exciting time! :)
    If you are interested, my blog is brittreport.blogspot.ca

    1. Thank you so much, Brittany! Nice to know you think they're pretty! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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