Pastel vs. Leopard

Hello lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

Today has been a training day, and it seems like again time has flown by so fast. I don't know how in the world I will get everything I need to do done before the weekend! So, to catch up with everything, I will keep my blabbering very short and focus on the pictures instead, okay?

Let's do this.

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So it's time for a nail art post again, the first design is this pastel colored, galaxy inspired one I did a while back and liked quite a lot. It was simple but girly and it was definitely fun to do.

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I really love doing these sponging manis, because you basically can't mess them up at all. So, I would say they are a pretty good one to try if you are a beginner, because the technique is very forgiving. That's why I love to do these if I only have a little time for my nails.

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The polishes I used were China Glaze Feel The Breeze, Float On, Sweet Hook, White On White, Dancing And Prancing, Fairy DustO.P.I. Shine For Me and GOSH Blue Balloon. The droplet studs are from Born Pretty Store

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Next is a simple neon mani I created just before receiving the new China Glaze neon collection in the mail. What better time to give some praise to the previous neon collections?

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These nails were so me, leopard print and flashy color, and yet very appropriate to everywhere because they kinda look like a classic red mani with a twist.

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The polishes used here are China Glaze Crimson, White On White and Surfin' For Boys. SFB looks much more orange in the pics than it actually is, but it's pretty both ways. The only tool needed for these was a dotting tool.

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So there, two new nail art designs for you. 

Which one do you prefer? Let me know in the comments!

Now this girl is off to bed and hopefully tomorrow I will get everything I need done, because I have a ton to do before heading north to my bachelorette party. I will schedule a post or two for the time I'm away, so stay tuned for that. Also, you can follow me on the social media platforms for random things you won't see here on the blog!

Have a great day ♥


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment for me. I always read every single one of them, and they truly make my day! Please remember to be nice while commenting, thank you! ♥

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English, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, German

xoxo ♥

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