Edgy Side

Hey lovelies! How has your weekend been? ♥ We had a lovely little date day today, and I also got around getting few things for blogging and instagramming. (Yes, I definitely think Instagram can be used as a word. Don't judge me.) I have been reorganizing once again my too full closet, starting with socks, leggings and so on, and that part looks quite lovely so far, even though I say so myself. Anyway, in today's post I'm showing a bit edgier look than I usually wear, but I wanted to try something new on one of my days off. I hope you can find it interesting although it's different.

Edgy rock look

Metal girlEagle necklaceRock chicLayered rock outfitRock chic accessoriesRock chick

Leather Jacket: H&M Boots: Shu Denim Vest: secondhand Leopard Top: H&M Skirt: Seppälä Necklace: H&M Bracelets: gift from friend, Europehouse Rings: Gina Tricot, JC, gift from friend

So there, a little edgier look, shot a bit too late in the day so the quality of the pictures isn't quite what I want. Sorry! But nevertheless, I liked this look a lot - although I think we can all agree the dark makeup here is not quite up my alley. But the fake side cut and the rock vibe of this look are something I love a lot. I think I could figure out a summer version of this look later on - with a more girly makeup.

What do you guys think about this look? Let me know in the comments!

Now, I'm about to clean my closet a bit more, and then enjoy bits of my latest Lush haul (reviews will follow as I've tried them out!) with some tea. Tomorrow, I think I will try to prep posts for next week so that I can minimize sitting on the computer at nights on workdays. I don't know about you all, but I just can't handle laptop screen after 8-hour shift of staring at one at work. So, to keep up more regular posting, I will probably write more stuff beforehand at least for the workdays and those times I'm travelling. Does that sound okay to you? I will definitely get back to you tomorrow, so stay tuned for that. For more updates, follow me on social media where I post stuff daily!

Have an amazing weekend ♥

1 comment

  1. I like what you've done with your hair and make up! You look so beautiful.


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