Hello lovelies! How are you? ♥ I know I'm a little late with this post - sorry! - but life happened this weekend and it messed up my schedule pretty good. Saturday went by speding time with loved ones, and on Sunday, I was going to post on the evening but while we were driving home, something happened. We were driving 80 km/h, and in front of us was a truck driving. Suddenly a ginormous chunk of ice appeared from under the truck, and I had about a second to decide what to do. I wasn't going to try to take it with a tire (because who knows where the car would have flown from there), I couldn't take another lane because that was for people coming from opposite direction - and full, and I couldn't pull to the side because there was no room either. So I drove straight to the block. And our car broke. That left us driving to the nearest gas station, calling 20 calls to everyone and their mother, and then there was the question of getting home from 100 km away. So we took a train with our luggage and the insurance company arranged a towing for the car for Monday. The car is still on another town, and a mechanic there promised to get it fixed within a couple of weeks.
I'm happy to be alive and healthy, because that could've gone so badly. I have been extremely stressed because of this (and all the calls I've had to make) a couple of days, but it's getting better now. So, like I said, I'm sorry for the sad posting schedule this weekend, but better late than never, right?
Anyway, to lighter topic. Nails. Today I'm showing you the fourth design I created in collaboration with Born Pretty Store. And although the theme here was very much Valentine's day, I think these are cute whenever.

So the design today is this heart inspired thing with some bow shaped rhinestones. I wanted to try a little mix and match with the French tips, and I don't know about you guys, but I like it.

Look at how pretty the rhinestones here are! These rhinestones are from a rhinestone wheel (see here!) I got for a review from Born Pretty Store. The wheel has 200 pieces of decoration in it, with six different designs - bow, square, round, star, droplet and flower. My favorite is obviously the bow one here, but they are all pretty. I like how they are tiny, but still pretty showy, and the finish on them is even a tiny bit holo in real life. And they are so shiny! 200 pieces of rhinestones lasts a long time, unless you totally cover your nails with them, so for the price of $1.59, I think this is a good purchase.
And I would definitely recommend nail art accessories from Born Pretty Store, I've been using them for years and haven't been disappointed. The only downside is the long shipping time, but for me that's usually not an issue. I just order that much earlier if I have an occasion I need the supplies for).

My thumb had a little wrinkle on it because I slept on it, and the thousand layers of polish weren't dried enough. FAIL! So let that be a lesson for you as well, if you do this design, use thinnest layers possible, let them each dryin peace and let the final product dry for a good amount of time before going to sleep. Or doing anything but breathing and watching Netflix.

The polishes I used for the design were Essie Muchi Muchi, China Glaze Feel The Breeze, Glow With The Flow and Seas The Day. The hearts were painted free hand with the brushes from the bottles, but you can use nail art brush if that feels more comfortable to you. The French tips were done with tip quides from Born Pretty Store, and as mentioned the rhinestones are from there as well.

What you you guys think about these nails? Let me know in the comments below!
That's all I have for you today, for more fun posts, follow me on Instagram where I post all sorts of things daily. In the next post, I believe I will be showing you another outfit. But until then, come say hi on social media because I love meeting you all and getting to know you. You are absolutely one of the reasons I love blogging, and I hope I remember to tell you often enough that you mean a lot to me. I will be answering all the comments from past couple of weeks tonight, I've been so bad at that lately - but I haven't forgotten them, though! I will see you all soon!
Have a lovely week ♥
What a fantastic idea with the layered gradient hearts. I am not a big fan of this theme, but I would definitely wear this one!
ReplyDeleteValentine's Day is definitely a theme that people either love or they don't like it at all. I'm glad I managed to create something inspiring even if it's not the most likeable theme for you! :) I think a gradient done that way is really fun, I need to find another way to use it soon :) ♥