Girly Girl

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I've been having quite a busy week with new course at school and other things as well. I'm so excited and happy that it starts to slowly feel like spring. But I'll have pretty winter-like pictures to share for a while still - because Finland. Today I really wanted to share this look I wore to office a little while back. It's not the most typical look for me, but I really wanted to do something a bit more spring vibed.

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Hat: H&M Coat: Boohoo Scarf: gift from dad Bag: Mango Boots: Shu Tights: H&M Blazer: H&M Dress: Bershka Necklace: Mirina Collections

I know the look is a tad hobo with the layering and all, but if you've ever been to Finland you know it's darn cold here most of the winter - so layering is a necessity to survival. And my outerwear is pretty repetitive as you have seen so layers is what you get. But soon it'll get warm enough to not have coat on every time we go shooting looks so stay tuned and I'll get way more creative with the outfits. But yeah, I really love the coat and the hat here, and I loved wearing the dress with the neutral blazer. Not much more to say about the look really.

What do you guys think about this look? Let me know in the comments!

That's all I have for you today, I hope you enjoyed this post and like the look here. I'll be back very soon with another post, and in the meantime you can follow me on social media for more fun updates.

Have a fabulous day ♥


  1. Iiihana asu! <3 Tosi kauniina oot ollu :)

  2. Vau on kyllä upea kokonaisuus! ♥ Ihana mekko!

  3. I love it! much snow! Your super cute dress is so ready for SPRING! -xoxo

  4. I love how colourful the whole outfit is below the black coat. Really love the hat too!


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xoxo ♥

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