Current Workout Routine

Hello lovelies! How are you all? ♥ I've had a pretty chill day today, had couple of hours school and then ran some errands, had a little workout and the rest has been chilling and enjoying the day off. It's a cloudy day, so I actually have the patience to sit down and write down this post for you. As you may know if you follow me on Instagram, I have been kicking my butt with exercising quite a bit lately. And because of that, I figured I would share my workout/healthy lifestyle routine with you all. 

Hope you'll enjoy this!

Oh, and because this is internet: I'm not a professional in any of the topics mentioned in this post in any shape or form, so don't take my word over any of the educated professionals out there. Let's respect their work that much. That being said, I do believe in this routine and it works for me. So if it inspires you, that's awesome.

training stuff


I think a key to routine is having a some sort of schedule (at least to start out with). That way, it's easier to keep up with it. For me, that means listing out the workouts I want to do in a week, and then marking them on appropriate days. As we speak, my workout schedule looks like this:

Monday: Leg day

Tuesday: Core day

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday: Leg day

Friday: Upper body

Saturday & Sunday: Rest days

So, I workout about 4 days per week on the muscles, and I throw in jogging or yoga when I feel like it. I take it pretty chill, there's no bikini fitness goals or anything like that, it's more important that I get stronger and feel good. Although it's not a bad thing that a beach body may come as a result.

Also, for me decent stretching is pretty key thing, because my muscles tend to get super tense quite easily. If I don't stretch, I lose all the flexibility so fast. But some argue stretching is not that vital for you so I don't know. You do you, girl!

workout pic

If you want to try some of the routines I do, check out the videos below. I've tried out quite a few ones, but these are some that I actually stick with:

I personally like VSX workouts since they are a challenge enough for me, but I can actually get somewhat through them without being a real athlete. You may think what you want about the company, but you got to admit the Angels really work for those bodies. 


This is kind of a no-brainer. I eat as healthy as I can (which I'm bad at) during the week, but on the weekends I cheat on the diet and don't worry about it at all. Basically on the weekdays, I focus on eating a lot of veggies, avoiding sugar, drinking plenty of water and trying to keep eating regularly and so on. No rocket science. 

Also, I restrict eating meat quite a bit, I don't drink dairy milk and don't use that much dairy anyways. When I can, I try to have veggie alternatives, and with milk I always choose veggie one these days. I've noticed that cutting down the animal products makes me feel bit better, so I would say that's a good thing to do. 

And lastly, as you know, I follow a gluten free diet which means I don't eat wheat, rye or barley and that also cuts down my use of oats a bit. However, I don't think going totally without carbs is ideal, so I personally do eat quite a bit of those. 


Lastly, few things that are helpful (in my opinion) to keep things together.

Rest: Enough sleep, as we all know, is vital for anyone's health. The people who really know me know that I'm so bad at this, I have a hundred things going on at once and often I sleep quite little. It's very bad habit and it's definitely not helpful with the workout routine. In ideal situation I would sleep 7-8 hours per night to keep my body the healthiest. I hope I will get to that soon.

Stress: Whenever you try to get in shape/be healthy, you should minimize the stress in your life. So what I do is that I do things I love - nail art, blogging, video games - to get the stress out of my system. And most importantly, one should never ever stress about workout. That kills the mood from the routine. The less you stress, the better you feel.

Feeling amazing: This is important, you should always feel good about working out and making healthy choices. That's the most important thing when talking about any fitness routine, workout routine or any lifestyle thing. It should make you feel good about yourself and happy that you did it. That's what motivates me the days I don't see a real progress - or when I'm bloated because it's that time of the month.

If I can do this, you certainly can.

What are your favorite workouts? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, I'm gonna go relax by playing video games for a while, but I will see you soon in the next post. In the meantime, you can follow me on social media for more updates, and you can also leave any post requests down below so I can see what you would like to read in the future.

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Great post and thank you for sharing. Maybe I get motivated too and start again a workout program, because I really need it. As about food, same by me too, in weekdays I am very careful and I eat healthy, but at the weekends if my family eats a pizza or something sweet, well than I can not help my self and I eat it too :(

    1. I think treating yourself to unhealthy food only on weekends is not that bad. There are professional trainers (for example Jillian Michaels) who swear by restricting your eating quite a bit on weekdays but then being allowed to eat quite a bit of calories on weekends. They say it helps the body to burn more calories when the intake gets a bit different on different days. :)

      I personally don't believe in fully banning treats from the diet, because people often want the things they can't/aren't allowed to have. I'm having a sugar free month with my mom this month, and I'm struggling so much because denying sugary stuff has made me crave it more. :D

    2. Oh, and I too eat pizza on the weekends. Every weekend, to be exact. Can't wait to have some tomorrow. :D

  2. ooh thanks for sharing your routine. I've also started going back to the gym and still figuring out the best routine for me. this gives me ideas. thank you!

    xo, Carla


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xoxo ♥

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