My Nail Stash: Mints

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I'm happy that the April is starting and that the work week is over for now. My plans for the weekend are simply to relax and get some workout done, as well as watching Formula One and so on. In today's post, I wanted to share you a bit more of my nail polish collection. The mints, to be more exact.

And yes, I own enough more or less mint polishes to make own post about them. Don't judge me.

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From left to right:

China Glaze Highlight Of My Summer: This one could be described as a neon mint with a bit of warm tone to it. This is an amazing summer color, and it looks amazing with tanned skin.

China Glaze Aquadelic: This is quite a basic turquoise polish, that may not look its best here as it doesn't enjoy being stored too much. It's prettier live, I promise!

China Glaze At Vase Value: This one is something between baby blue and light turquoise. I love this one a lot and I think it's a perfect color for spring as it's a cute pastel shade.

China Glaze For Audrey: This is quite similar to Aquadelic, but a bit darker. A lovely basic color and when properly blended (unlike here), it's a pretty Tiffany's inspired color.

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Essie Mint Candy Apple: One of my first mints ever - and probably one of my favorite polishes ever. It's too bad these sell kinda pricey where I live, so I may not be buying another one soon. I would love it though.

Rimmel Lasting Finish Misty Jade: Bright and fun shade, and a bit more jelly than many mints (since they tend to be pastels and therefore usually kind of chalky cremes, at least the ones I own).

Rimmel Rita Ora Roll In The Grass: Quite similar to the previous one, although a bit brighter and greener. (I see a near future with mint manis since I really have a lot of that...)

IsaDora Dazzling Ocean: A bright shimmery turquoise that makes me think of mermaids. I used to love this shade quite a bit back in the day, but nowadays I'm not the biggest fan of shimmers so I don't really use it.

MUA Cosmetics Pistacio Ice Cream: Like the name describes, this truly is an ice cream color. It's a cute, a bit muted pastel shade, 

Depend Shade 318: Quite green to be mint, but let's count it to that anyways. This is a cute pastel green that I haven't really used at all, but I'm kind of temped to.

What do you think about these shades? And, what is your favorite mint polish? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, I'm gonna go enjoy some TV and video games, and then sleep. I will be back soon with a bit different post, and I'm really hoping you will like that one. In the meantime, you can follow me on social media, where I'm quite active daily. 

Have a lovely day ♥

1 comment

  1. They are all so pretty! How do you choose which one to wear!


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