Cats & Purple

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I've been having a crazy week with not enough sleep, but I'm super pumped for the weekend and other things so I'm not even feeling bad about the fatigue I have. After all, that's temporary. Next week I have time to sleep more because I get a project off my hands.

Today, I wanted to share some older nail designs with you. I found these from the archives, and I really still liked them, so why not.

cute nails
The first set is this kitten mani inspired by a sweater I've been sporting also lately on my Instagram story. The kitten print in it is the cutest, so I thought it would make a cute nail art as well.

cat nailsheart rhinestone
This mani was also a great excuse to use my old Konad heart-shaped rhinestones. I thought they made a cute addition to the theme.

glitter nails
The polishes I used were O.P.I. Pinking Of You, China Glaze Elephant Walk and Techno, and Sinful Colors Snow Me White and Black On Black. The top coat is Glisten & Glow HK Girl as always (I haven't just mentioned it in months, I think.). As mentioned, the heart rhinestones are from Konad.

kitten nailsviolet nails
The other design today is this simple purple one. I think I saw something on the internet that inspired this, but I'm not sure anymore. It's been a while. Anyway, this one is a glitter gradient over skittle ombre base and matte top coat. And it looked better in real life than in the photos.

purple ombre nailsglitter gradient nails
I really like the combination of glitter and matte top coat, they somehow create a really nice effect together.

purple nails
The polishes I used were China Glaze Sweet Hook, Grape Pop, Plur-Ple, Charmed, I'm Sure, Spontaneous and Your Present Required. The matte top coat is from Born Pretty Store.

Purple glitter nails
What do you think about these designs? Let me know in the comments below!

That's all I have for you today, but stay tuned on Saturday when another post will be up, kicking off the Halloween season here on the blog. In the meantime, follow me on Instagram, where I will be sharing what I will bake for the weekend and later of course some of our weekend shenanigans. Come say hi there, and I will talk to you soon!
Have a fabulous day ♥


  1. Oldies but goldies :)) Love the first nail art inspired by a sweeter. It looks fun and cute!


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xoxo ♥

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