In January, one of my best friends - also my maid of honor in my wedding a couple of years ago - got married to her boyfriend of many years. The ceremony was small and intimate and very much fitting for them, and I didn't take a ton of photos - also I share even less here - because I feel that's how they prefer it. But I did want to share my look I wore to the event because I really liked it.
And I also wanted to share a little something because this crosses off another item from my bucket list: #17: Attend a wedding

The first part of the wedding took place in a lovely church, which I had to take a snapshot of. I'm not the biggest on religion, but I do think many churches look absolutely beautiful.

The place where we all ate and spend time after church was also intimate and cute, and the decorations reflected the couple's taste amazingly.

The centerpiece flowers were one of my favorite things about the decoratios. So simple, stylish and beautiful.

I think I've heard that there would be some etiquette about wearing blues, greys and so on to a winter wedding, but I'm not the one to follow rules unless the Mr & Mrs would suggest so. Since no particular mention about clothing were included, I decided to wear red.

I really love how this red lace piece looks on me, and since it was a winter event I threw on white lace jacket to make it more appropriate.

I bought this dress originally for a Christmas concert but ended up wearing something tiny bit more casual, so this was a great time to wear it. Also, what I love about this dress is that it reminds me of Elize Ryd's style, and she is goals for me (along with Alissa White-Gluz, which might seem exact opposite for some but totally makes sense for me).

As shoes, I wore these faux leather heels from Boohoo for the first time, and loved them quite a bit. They were a tiny bit uncomfortable, but I find that all heels are like that for the first time.

As jewelry, I had the bracelets seen in first style pic, and this layered necklace from Boohoo. I felt like the look didn't really need much else. And yes, I wore both gold and silver in my accessories and don't even feel bad about it.

For the makeup, I tried to do something neutral and just added big lashes to make it more glam that way.

I mean seriously look how pretty the xoBeauty lashes are! I'm all about them.
For hair, I did a simple half-updo with curls, although I took these pics after the event when the curls had all gotten very flat and loose already. So my look isn't at its best but on the other hand that's not what mattered the most that day.
Will you attend a wedding this year? Let me know in the comments!
That's all for today, I hope you liked these pics even though the outfit pics aren't the best here - didn't remember to take these before the wedding and didn't want to bother my boyfriend after the long day so he would've taken my pics. We'll get into outfit pics later this year when we have time to figure that out together. Next post will be up soon, but in the meantime you can follow me on Instagram as @silvertigo, where I post daily outfits and more.
Have a wonderful day ♥
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