So, as you may have noticed yesterday there was no Blogoween post yesterday. That's because my PC couldn't connect to the Internet and this is the only appliance I can actually post from (it has my editing software and all). Therefore, I figured we'd skip a day, and make it up on the weekend with three uploads instead of two. I think you're going to be okay with that. But now, let's get to today's craft:

This is not by any means the most original thing ever, but it was fun and easy to do so I'm sharing it with you. Paper bats - and arrangement with them.

For this you need crafting paper, scissors, a template (or you can freehand draw the bats or even just freehand cut them out if you are more skilled than me!), and something to attach the bats with - I used basic tape.

Also I noticed the first template would have been a pain in the butt to operate with so I chose bigger ones instead.

I cut out the bat shapes...

... And planned how I wanted the layout to be on the wall. Then, I taped these into the wall and folded the wings slightly to give them a 3D look. Below, you can see the finished product:

What do you think about this decoration? Let me know in the comments!
So, that's it for today, and yet again, I'm sorry for the missing post yesterday. Tomorrow there will be another costume post, so stay tuned for that. And, in the meantime, follow my Instagram for daily outfits and more (I'm @silvertigo). I'll see you in the next post!
Have a lovely week ♥
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