In line with today's previous post, I bring you "witchy" nails, inspired by Wiccan symbols. Now, as it's a serious belief as any religion or such, I really don't want to offend anyone by my nail art. I just personally think Wiccan symbols look beautiful, and that they have wonderful meanings that are often ignored and made look worse than they actually are. I tried to choose symbols that could have a positive meaning for me, were I to believe in all this wholeheartedly, and my reference article can be read here. (If you're a Wiccan, or more informed about these than me, please don't hate on me if I've missed a point here. I did this mostly for the visuals but wanted to acknowledge in this post where the symbols come from.)

For these, I decided on simple black and Silver color scheme with matte finish. I felt like this way the symbols stood out nicely, and they would be perfect for everyday wear as well. And don't get scared by the pentagram looking symbol, its meaning is actually more positive according to the article I saw for this design. It's about the elements and energy, not the evil power it might refer to in other places.

Hand drawing all the symbols was a work itself, but I feel it was completely worth it. You can do this too with a thin brush as your tool.

For this, I used base coat and fast dry top coat by Glisten & Glow, Liquid Leather and I'd Melt For You by China Glaze and Matte About You top coat by Essie.

What do you think about these black nails? Let me know in the comments!
So, we're nearly done with the Blogoween this year, I'll still be doing one or two posts tomorrow and a post showing a bit of our Halloween decor on the 31st. Next month, the blog's theme will be switching/more defined than before - I had a realization regarding what interests me and how to incorporate it into my blog as I couldn't find anything with the search words I used to find inspiration myself, so I might as well start creating the content myself so maybe someone else doesn't have to jump through hoops to get to the content like it. What do I mean? More on that next month.
Have a wonderful day ♥
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