DIY Christmas Gifts

I've been dreaming about making some of the Christmas gifts myself for years, but haven't really been in a place to do so until now. Now, before we go all in to this post, if you belong to the inner circle of mine (you know who you are, darlings) DO NOT read any further. This post will contain part of your presents so don't go spoiling yourselves, please! If you are not someone who would possibly receive a present from me, go ahead and continue along!

christmas gifts
Christmas Rocky Road (recipe here)

This one I created as a gluten-free version, as both my mom and my boyfriend's mom are celiac's like me. (Well, okay, I created every single thing gluten-free so I could taste what I make, to be honest.) Rocky road is such an easy thing to gift, as it takes just few minutes to cook up and hour or so to firm up in the fridge - and if you package it into something that can be reused, like I did by packing everything into mason jars, it can be clutter-free gift. (Which you know I'm all about!)

ingredientsRocky road

Dairy-Free Rocky Road (recipe here)

I have a friend who is allergic to milk, so I had to search the web for a simple dairy-free rocky road, and of course this time and age, there are many to choose from. I edited the one linked above by adding dried cranberries and honey roasted nuts. This was not vegan, but, if one were to switch the marshmallows to vegan ones and ditch/switch the honey roasted nuts, it would be.

For another friend, I made the same but used cookies that had a bit of milk powder, and used chocolate that had a bit of milk in it. But to be honest, I preferred the dairy-free one and will probably make it modified during next year (I'll make it into a completely vegan treat!)

rocky road mixhomemade rocky road

Rocky Road with some dairy (recipe the same as in dairy free one, but I switched cookies and chocolate)

This I made for another friend who can have dairy, so I didn't completely avoid it for this. I also think that if you didn't know, you couldn't tell which one is which!

diy rocky road

Peppermint Stick Cocoa (recipe here)

This was also so much fun to make! All one needs to do is to measure and somewhat neatly layer the ingredients, and then decorate the jar and write instructions for the receiver. And of course it has peppermint as I'm such a lover of peppermint (which you might know if you've been here for a long time, I do something peppermint every Holiday season!). I actually think this could be made vegan quite easily as well, if you have access to plant milk powders. I think that was only non-vegan ingredient here - although I can't be sure what the red dye in the peppermint candies has in it.

making giftsDIY hot chocolate

Have you done gifts yourself this year? If so, let me know what they were so I can get ideas for next year!

That's all for this post, and in the next one, we'll be opening the Body Shop calendar further! I might be posting that later today or tomorrow morning, as I have a bit more posts coming than there are days left until Christmas, and I don't want to leave a single post out anymore. So I hope we're cool with that! See you in the next one!

Have a wonderful day ♥

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