Thrifting the Trends - Fringed Skirt

Happy Friday - and happy Easter weekend for those who celebrate it. I plan on eating well and relaxing which is why this post has been written beforehand so that I don't necessarily have to touch the computer during the long weekend. 

This post is another part to the series "Thrifting the Trends", where I take the trends predicted on runwqays for the season SS19, and create them either by using what I already have, by thrifting or by DIYing the items. So I'm trying to show how most if not all trends can be recreated without necessarily going to the fast fashion shops and contributing to the problematic industry just because you're on a budget. The inspiration for the looks comes from the trend reports on Vogue and Pantone, one focusing on styles and other on colors.

fringe trend

Like the title says, today's trend to cover is the fringe trend. Vogue called it "All the trimmings", meaning that details with fringe, feathers and such are the hot commodity right now. As I try to keep my fashion as vegan as I reasonably can, feathers didn't feel like an option. And, I had been eyeing this skirt on Zadaa for a while and this was the perfect excuse to get it. While I technically bought it secondhand, it was unused with tags so I was very excited for the find. 

Also, like you can see in the pic below, I even added a fringed necklace because I liked going all in.

eagle necklacefringeknee high bootsfringe skirt

Jacket: Boohoo Tee: H&M Skirt: secondhand from Zadaa app Boots: Skopunkten Necklace: H&M Bracelet: Gina Tricot/H&M

So there, my take on how to style the fringe trend without actually buying new items. Whenever you see a trend you would like to try out, I encourage you to look into your closet for things that might be surprisingly similar, and then checking the secondhand shops both online and in your city. You might be positively surprised how easily and affordably you actually can try a trend out. 

But I will also be a bit of a mom here and remind you that you can have an amazing style without ever following trends in your life. Trends come and go but style is forever. Style is what makes you look and feel like you, and even how you carry the outfits you wear, so trends have little to nothing to do with it. So don't get encouraged if you can't or don't want to wear a trend you see going around. The fast fashion industry pushes out micro trends every week to make us want to buy new things. We don't have to fall for it. And yes, I realize I have many fast fashion brands mentioned in the outfit listing but I have to remind you that all the items are older or secondhand. I did previously have a habit of shopping quite a bit in fast fashion stores but I'm trying to turn it around.

I guess that's enough preaching for now, haha. I just thought it's important to get out there even when I am posting about trends. 

What do you think about this look? Let me know in the comments!

That's it for today, but I'll be back very soon with another post, also being about style. I hope you enjoyed this one, and will love the next one, because I'm quite excited about both! For more content, you can follow on Instagram (@silvertigo), where I post my daily office looks and more. I'll see you in my next post!

Have a lovely weekend 

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