I was supposed to post this yesterday, but had longer than expected work day and every other things felt like falling apart so I took a breather and didn't finish this post. Until today, that is. So I'm hoping you're ready for some nail art because that's what I got for you today.
And without further ado, let's get into it!
And without further ado, let's get into it!

The design today is this matte floral number with olive green and dark blue that's somewhere between royal blue and navy blue. I also added pink flowers to make the look softer.

The flowers were painted by hand with a tiny brush, by basically just dotting the petals on with pink polish using the tip of a brush, then dotting the green middles on with the same brush. The leaves were painted with a bit thinner brush, by first drawing a stripe as the core and then painting on the leaves. It's really a lot easier than it sounds, trust me!

The polishes I used here were Central Parka, Combat Blue-Ts and Feel The Breeze by China Glaze, and base coat, fast dry top coat and matte top coat by Glisten & Glow. And like I said I also had two little brushes to help me out. I'm kind of tempted to do how to for flowers like this on Instagram, so let me know if you'd like to see that!

What do you think about these nails? Let me know in the comments!
That's it for today, but I'll be back with another post in just a couple of days. There's two week's worth of posts planned now, some only needing finishing touches on writing, some still lacking photos, but they're all in works nonetheless. I actually even wrote out a time management plan for myself and if that helps me with my goals, I'll share how to make one yourself and stay efficient while reaching for your dreams. If you want to see more from me, Instagram is the best place to do so. You can find my main page as @silvertigo, nailart in @silvertigonails and our cute kitty as @blackkittymiro, so there's a lot of content to follow if you're interested. I'll see you in my next post!
Have a wonderful day ♥
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