What I Read In January

 Hey, my lovelies, 

I hope you've had a lovely January! Mine has been quite lovely, getting to hang out with friends, trying new foods (especially vegan ones thanks to a friend of mine), going to see the Gothic Modern exhibition at Ateneum, reviving this blog... All in all this feels like a nice way to start the year. And yet it's been slow enough since it's still the slumber season if you're living the more pagan/witchy lifestyle, as I'm trying to at least to some extent.

This time of the year is so good for just staying home and cozying up in a blanket and just reading. (My dear friends, if I disappear for hours or days and don't answer your messages immediately, this is more often than not why. I'm lost in a book.) And because I've been doing that quite a bit, today I wanted to share what I've read this month: 


From Blood And Ash - Jennifer L. Armentrout. (3.5/5)

This book made me quite divided in my opinion, on the other hand, it has quite an interesting trope of the main character deconstructing her worldview and religion, but on the other hand, many of her actions are very rushed when it comes to the main love interest. I need to give the second book a try to get a little more out of the characters so that I won't be so mad about the seemingly rushed actions. All in all the book had interesting moments, but some of the parts read quite like fanfiction to me, so while I was decently entertained, it left me feeling like with these elements, it could've been so much more. 

seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid. Finnish translation "Evelyn Hugon seitsemän aviomiestä", translation by Inka Parpola. (5/5)

This was a solid, entertaining read for me. It made me fall in love, sad, mad, frustrated, laugh and gasp out loud. I appreciate a book that gives me a rollercoaster of emotions. And I happen to enjoy Reid's writing style quite a bit so this was also quite a fast read - especially as a Finnish translation and I felt like Parpola had done a great job with the whole translation. Evelyn Hugo is such an interesting, complex and scheming character, and I love that during the book you do change your mind about her so many times. 

check & mate

Check & Mate - Ali Hazelwood Finnish translation "Shakkimatti", translation by Inka Parpola. (4/5)

I'm not very big on contemporary romance (mainly because it doesn't give as great of an escapism as fantasy or romantasy), but I have to admit this one was pretty fun. This was the second book I read from Hazelwood, and just like in "Icebreaker", I enjoyed the characters. This one does read quite young, due to the main character's age, but I didn't really mind, it was still a fun read. And compared to the smut I usually am reading, this one was quite cutesy in the romance part, giving me some heart flutters. I'm planning to read another one of Hazelwood's books soon, so let's see if she can captivate me again with that one!

January brings me to a total of 3 books out of my 25-book goal of the year. Can't wait to see what I'll get around reading next month! I'm currently reading Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros, and I'm quite hooked but haven't had enough time to just dive into the world of dragons and magic. Hoping to finish this one during the coming week as I only have half of it left - and about to devour a good chunk of it right after this post goes up.  

onyx storm

What have you read recently? Please share in the comments! 

In the coming week, I'm trying to take some photos for the coming posts as well as planning a bit about what I'd like to be posting here this month. I have a couple of ideas already, but let's see what all I'll get up to this month. I'm also slowly learning that a blog post can be literally whatever I want, so some of the posts can be super short and sweet, and not a whole production - especially for the (at least so far) very limited readership I have. 

Hope to write you again soon! 

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