Tutorial for galaxy nails

Hey babes!

Happy Wednesday ♥ How are you doing today?

I'm practically buried under a pile of school deadlines, but I wrote this piece to you over the weekend so I wouldn't have to be in silence the whole week. Now, you all remember the galaxy nails from the 31-day Manicure Challenge? Well, I promised a tutorial, and I'm sorry it took me so long, but, here it is!

Galaxy nails

First, choose your desired color scheme. I went for purple this time, with a little hint of blue. The pic above was the inspiration, and then it was time to take out the colors.

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I chose a range of purple, pink and blue, and reserved a white polish and glitter for detailing. Note! You'll also need a thin brush, sponge, dotting tool and nail polish remover.

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Start off with painting the base for your art, using the base coat (not pictured). Then, paint your nails with the desired base color. I needed a dark plum base, but as I don't have a polish of that color, I made a shade myself, using Essie - Licorice and Ciaté Mini - Cabaret.

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So, this is the shade I had as the base.

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Next, take the sponge, and your white polish. I used Essie - Blanc.

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Sponge out random shapes to each nail. This will help the lighter colors to show on top of the dark base.

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Take out the bright pink. I used two different ones, Gosh - Pink Lady (in the pictures), and China Glaze - Escaping Reality.

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So, use the darker pink first, and sponge it on the edge of the white shapes.

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Next, take the lighter pink, and sponge it in the middle of the white shapes, starting from the edge of the other pink. Don't worry about covering all the white, it gives the art more dimension if the white shows somewhere.

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Now, take your blue polish. I used China Glaze - Splish Splash.

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Sponge the blue to the edge that is still left white. You should now have somewhat gradient finish on your nails, in various shapes.

Then take out the white again, and with a small dotting tool, create "stars" (dots) randomly around the nails. Then, using the thin brush, paint few more cross-like stars.

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Finish off with a glitter polish or two. I used Rimmel London - Disco Ball and China Glaze - Fairy Dust. Add the glitter wherever you think your design should have more stars.

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Add a top coat to protect your design, and clean up the cuticles with nail polish remover. And, you're done!

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So, what do you all think? Cool or not? And, should I do more of these tutorials for you? ♥

If you have tried this, or will try it after this, it would be fun to get some links to see your creations :)

I'll be posting something again as soon as I can, but until then:

Have a lovely week, everyone! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. They look so amazing. I really need to perfect this look.

    1. Thank you! I promise it's easier you think! ♥

  2. Hianot! Galaxya pitää kokeilla joskus. :) Olen ihaillut monien kynsiä blogeissa ja intoa olisi. Ehkäpä pääsiäiskynsien jälkeen...

    1. Kiitoksia :) Suosittelen koittamaan, ainakin mun mielestä tosi hauska tekniikka ;) ♥

  3. GOOORGEOUS ^^ Nuo on niin upeat, pakko kokeilla heti kun kotiin pääsee ! (Jos jaksan, oon tulossa Oulusta eli 7 h junamatkan jälkeen ei ehkä kynnet enää kiinnostakaan ;)
    Kiitos ihanasta kommentista ♥

    Indie by heart
    ps. NINJ & NINJ -print giveaway :)

    1. Hih, voi kiitos ♥ Suosittelen kyllä kokeilemaan, oon varma että saat hienot aikaan ♥

  4. Cool!!
    I love this tutorial and your nails look amaziing!!!
    Hope you are doing great love.

  5. Great job Joanna! The look is awesome doll.

  6. Siis mä oon yrittäny väsätä näitä ainaki miljoona ja yks kertaa mutta en vaan onnistu! :D Näyttää niin nätiltä <3

    1. :D Kyllä sä vielä onnistut, se on paljon siitä kiinni mitä lakkoja käyttää ja esim. millanen sieni tms. työkalu sulla on tohon "töpöttelyyn" :) Oot niin taitava käsistäs et varmasti joskus onnistut ♥

  7. Thank you! I will visit you ;) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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