Cross My Heart

Hey lovelies!

I hope you're all having a nice start for your week so far ♥

I'm doing fine, trying to have a light week eating-wise so that I could spend the midsummer without thinking if the food is going to make me bloat or not. :D So it's loads of water, only a little carbs, and as much pure and fresh food as possible. Not really a detox, but close enough. I also wish for a good weather, so that we would get to hang out on the beach a lot.

And, in the early afternoon tomorrow/today (Tuesday, that is) I have an appointment with my hair stylist Hanna, who will put my locks in shape for the rest of the summer. What we have in mind? Well, see my IG feed for updates. ;) (@silvertigo, in case you don't follow me yet, but would like to.)

Today's post will show you another summer outfit of mine, with sporty and rock chic elements combined.

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Shorts: Gina Tricot Top: H&M (DIY cross) Belt: Gina Tricot Tights: Asos Sneakers: Puma Bags: Mango Bracelets: Gina Tricot, Seppälä, DIY Sunglasses: Citymarket Feather earring: Gina Tricot

Sporty meets rock chic. At least, sort of. Gosh, I should be sleeping instead of typing but... Oh well. Anyway, this look was very "me" in so many ways, the colors are fun, there's many nice details, and the shoes are so comfy! But of course, it's up to you if I did any well.

So, your thoughts? What do you think about this look? What kind of details do you love to have in an outfit? ♥

I'm off now, to get enough sleep. ;) I still have a couple of posts for you before heading to spend some offline quality time with friends and family. Hope you'll enjoy them!

Have a fun day! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. The outfit looks very cute on you! I love summer weather and summer fashion. Thanks for stopping by recently and have a wonderful week! ~S

    SANDY M Illustration

    1. Thank you so much, Sandy! I love to visit your blog, it's so creative! ♥

  2. Tosi kiva ja asu ja sun hiukset näyttää niiiin kauniilta näissä kuvissa!! :)

    1. Voi kiitos ihanainen! Mulla oli kerrankin hyvä hiuspäivä :D Toivottavasti toistuis taas uudestaankin :D ♥

  3. You look so cool in these pictures. Love the shorts and the shoes so much!

    1. Haha, thanks! ♥ I love the shorts too - and imagine, they were on sale!

  4. cross everywhere indeed!
    I like the comfy/ summery feel of the look!

    1. I totally love my skulls and crosses, can't help it :D Thank you! ♥

  5. Hello sweety! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it, your opinion is so important!
    This is such an amazing post, im in love! (:
    Have a really nice day :)
    Come to see more at;

  6. Ihan huiput noi shortsit! :) Tosi kivaa juhannusta sinulle ihana <3

    1. Kiitos, ne on kieltämättä aika mahtavat ;) Toivottavasti sinullakin oli mukava juhannus! ♥

  7. Upeat nuo korvikset! Mahtavaa juhannusta sinne :) ♥

    1. Kiitos Reetta! ♥ Toivottavasti teidänkin juhannus sujui mukavasti! :)

  8. Very sexy tights,I want them so much


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xoxo ♥

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