Neon Top

Hi everyone!

How are you? ♥

I'm so excited that it's the last week of work before vacay - only one shift left on Friday, and I can finally enjoy some time off. I haven't had a proper vacation in years, so I can't wait to reach mine. And on vacation, I will have so much time to blog, which is cool. :) Though one thing I would love you to do is leave me some more questions for the Ask Me Anything post so I can write a proper post answering them. ;) (Click here to leave your questions, and leave as many as you want to!)

Anyway, today's post is just a quick one with an outfit I wore last month. I really liked this look, and would love to figure out a way to interpret this to autumn soon. ;)

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Top: Gina Tricot Skirt: thrifted Biker shorts: Gina Tricot Ballet flats: Skopunkten Earrings: DIY (see more here) Bracelets:

Once again, pretty simple look, featuring my favorite black skirt. It's been one of my best purchases ever, I got it for 3 Euros or so, and I've been wearing it countless times. That's what you call a treasure, right? ;) Okay, so, I have not much more to say about the outfit, but I would like to hear what you think.

So, what do you think about the look? Have you any priceless thrift finds in your closet? ♥

I need to go get some sleep now, to try and get my rhythm in place (well, next week will do that anyways, haha) but talk to you all later! ;)

Have a fabulous day ♥

Blog ya later




  1. cute outfit

    Don't forget to check out my blog


  2. LOVE those bangles! Have a great vacation:)

  3. You are a very Beautiful young woman , know that Beauty comes from with in you

    1. Thank you! And yes, what's inside is the most important, even though it is nice to look good outside as well :)

  4. Love love this look !
    The skirt is amazing!!!

  5. Gorgeous look as always. I love the colour of the top.

  6. Ihana asu! Ihanan värinen paita ja kivan mallinen hame :)

    1. Voi kiitos Reetta, toi hame on kyl ollu yks parhaita vaatelöytöjäni koskaan ;) ♥


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment for me. I always read every single one of them, and they truly make my day! Please remember to be nice while commenting, thank you! ♥

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English, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, German

xoxo ♥

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