Leopard Cross Top ♥

Hey babes!

How are you today? ♥

I'm doing well, today we went to see the Finnish documentary about the hockey legend Teemu Selänne, which was pretty fun. I wasn't too crazy about the directing there, but all in all, a good one to watch. Also, I've been putting quite a lot effort to freshen up the layout of the blog a bit - it's up to you if it's good or not.

And, I have a thing to say to my Finnish readers, so in Finnish:

Olet varmaan huomannut tuon pienen kyselyn blogin vasemmassa yläreunassa. Jos kaipaat blogiin myös tekstiä suomeksi (tarkoittaen lyhyitä tiivistelmiä postauksista tms.) tai olet ehdottomasti sitä mieltä ettei tänne sellaista tarvita, ole ihana ja anna äänesi kyselyyn. :) Kiitos!

Back to the post. So, today I don't have that much more to say, so, what if we just go straight to the outfit.

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This is something I wore for running errands and shopping - notice the totally comfy boots with high heels, haha. I love that top so much, and really try to figure out other ways to use it than this. I guess I need to use my friend Pinterest for that. ;)

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Detailed post about these nails will be up Friday night!
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Leopard cross top: Boohoo Jeans: Cubus Boots: Kookenkä Crop top: Gina Tricot Cropped jacket: VILA Bag: gift from mom and dad Bracelet: Europehouse Earrings: Gina Tricot Rings: H&M, JC, Gina Tricot

Another pretty simple outfit and overdose of accessories. But that's just how I roll. I don't know how anyone can pose as awkwardly as I do, but I'm still hoping it will get better. :D But hey, I'm way too short to be a model anyway!

Now, I wanna hear from you: what do you think about this look? ♥

This girl really need to go now, and get some sleep, as the man of the house threatened to wake me up in the middle of the night to watch free practice of the Japan GP (Formula 1, you know). I think, though, that for me that means sleeping in his lap on the couch while he watches the sports. ;) But either way, I need to dash now.

Have a lovely day!

Blog ya later,




  1. Ei oo totta mitkä kengät!♥ Oon niin hurahtanut noihin ylipolven saappaisiin, muttei oo vielä tullut ostettua!:D Noi on niin täydelliset:)

    1. Voi kiitos! Noi on useamman vuoden vanhat ja alkaa itse asiassa hajoamaan jalkaan mutta jospa sitä ens kuussa löytäisi niille korvikkeet niin raaskii heittää menemään :) Rakastan noita hirveesti, ja oon käyttänyt ihan liian vähän :D

  2. I love leopard print and red together

  3. Hello doll!
    Of course would like to follow each other, just followed you via GFC and Bloglovin! Now waiting for you <3



    1. That sounds lovely! I followed you back already! ;) ♥

  4. That top looks so incredible on you, Johanna! I love the way you've styled it with those fierce boots!! :)

  5. wow, this outfit is like the new Katy Perry's song: Roar!!!
    i love so much your top and your rings!
    I follow you on GFC, hope you would follow back!


    1. Aww, thank you so, so much, Elisa! I will visit your blog right away! ♥

  6. Your hair is amazing, would you like to follow each other? x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  7. The leopard print cross looks pretty cool, especially with the rest of the look. Love those knee high boots as well.

    1. Thank you sweetie! I love the boots so much, too! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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