Nelly Shoe Haul ♥

Heya babes ♥

How are you all?

Today is the Independence Day of Finland, so I can enjoy the day with my boyfriend, comfortably in a hoodie and chill out reading blogs and drinking tea. I love this kind of days.

You know what else I love? Shoes. And being size 36 (that's around UK 3 and US 4 I think) it's most of the times hard for me to find a pair on sale, as they don't order that many pairs of such a small size around here. So, I was over the moon a while back when I entered to, where I had a 10 Euro discount code to. They had so many shoes under 10 Euros/pair, so the silly little me simply couldn't resist getting more than one. Wanna see what I got?

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I've never purchased this many shoes at once in my entire life - and might be that I never will again, haha - but for once, this was so much fun. But seriously, let's see the pairs I got:

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First up, a cute pair of flats with some edge. I love the cute powder pink color and the fact they also have studs and rhinestones in them.

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Look at the details! Love them!

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A simple pair of black heels with gold details. A kind of pair that has been long missing from my wardrobe but not anymore.

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And, these are so easy to walk in. They aren't too tall, and even with the thin heel, they are so balanced.

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A pair of black boots. Because you can't have too many of these. (Well, actually, I only have two now, so that's seriously not much.)

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A pair of super high cognac wedges. I absolutely fell in love with these, wedges are probably my favorite type of shoes after boots, as they are so, so easy to walk in. You can bet you'll be seeing kind of much of these in the spring, I can't wait to wear them outside.

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Another pair of basics, cute nude heels. These were also a must for spring and summer, so I'm very glad to finally find a pair for such a low price.

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Like the black heels, these are so easy to walk in. Can't wait to have a proper chance to wear them.

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A more extreme pair, powder pink super high heels with fierce detail.

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Even though these are way high, they are actually pretty reasonable to walk in. With a little indoors training during the cold season, I can sure rock these in spring. ;)

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And seriously look at the details! Love, love, love ♥

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Looking at this post, can you tell that I was lacking heels? Haha. Oh well, anyways... This one is a cool army green pair, decorated with - of course - studs and rhinestones.

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Now I admit, these are a quite a bit of challenge to walk in, but not impossible. And I couldn't say no to them, as they are so cool.

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Again, look at the detailing. I can totally see these bringing some edge to my spring/summer looks.

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And last but not least, a sky high pair of gold glitter heels. Now these I admit to be pretty hard to walk in, but they are so fabulous for party looks that I'm willing to learn to stay up in these - for a limited time, at least. These are so gorgeous I just wanna put them in a glass case and look at them every day. (I know, that sounds way weird.)

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So that's what I got for you today, I hope you liked this little haul post, and now, I gotta start making some food for us (I have a hungry boyfriend making me feel guilty for ditching the kitchen duties for blogging, haha).

But what do you all think about my finds? Not bad for under 80 Euro haul, right? ;)

I hope you're all having a fabulous day, and to all my Finnish readers out there: Hyvää Itsenäisyyspäivää! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Nuo ruskeat kiilakanta- ja viimeiset glidukkakengät veivät sydämeni oitis:)

  2. Herranjumala..! ♥.♥

    1. Hihi, toi oli mun omakin reaktio kun kaivoin noita pareja Nellyn paketista ulos :D ♥

  3. What a teeny foot you have! :) And what a fun lot of shoes!!! Very edgy and stylish!

    1. Haha, yeah, I'm also way short so tiny feet make sense :D ♥ But very nice to hear you like them, too!

  4. fantastic shoes!:)

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  5. Voi vitsit mitä ihania kenkiä!:)

    1. Kiitos, täytyy myöntää että ehkä kevyesti sekosin tilapäisesti tuolla Nellyn sivuilla :D ♥

  6. I am in love with all of them!! The studded heels are insanely gorgeous.

    1. They really are! I think I don't need to buy another pair before next summer :D ♥

  7. You got some amazing pairs and I like all the edgy details, so you!

    1. Thank you doll! I was lucky to find nice shoes in my size for once, so these were necessities :D ♥

  8. I am so in love with those glitter shoes! I have size 34-35 feet so I'm actually so envious of your 36!

    1. Oh my gosh, your feet must be so adorable! :) It's not often I hear someone having smaller feet than I do, so I totally understand how you feel, love! ♥

  9. Unfortunately I cant walk on high heels, so love your ballerinas of first picture! xx

    1. They're pretty much my favorites too, along the wedges and boots ;) ♥

  10. En meinannu uskaltaa avata tätä postausta, ettei vaan käy kohtalokkasti ja päädyn tilailemaan kenkiä. :D <3 Voisin ottaa noista ihan joka ikisen parin. Mutta yllättävä kyllä korkojen sijaan noi balleriinat jotenkin ihastuttaa kaikkein eniten! :))

    1. Hihi, eihän näitä nyt voinut jättää esittelemättä - kun suurin osa varmaan saa odottaa vuoroaan kevääseen muuten ;D Noi balleriinat on kyllä munkin mieleen, ja varmasti saappaiden ohella ne eniten käyttöä saavat ;) ♥

  11. the flats with the studs and the heels with the studs! So great!!

    Emmett - Hippie Lace

    1. Yeah, you can probably see how I love the studs, too :D ♥

  12. Upea kenkälaatikkokasa! ;) Olen itseasiassa tilannut yhdet samat korkokengät kuin sun army vihreät niitti-strassikoristeiset, ne vain olivat tummansiniset ja AIVAN ÄLYTTÖMÄN IHANAT mutta vain kokoa 36 eikä suostunut mahtumaan vasempaan, millin isompaan jalkaani :,D Että harmitti.. Mutta, kenkiä on tällä hetkellä riittämiin eikä oikein tulisikaan käytettyä avokkaita :) Täytyy silti käydä kurkkimassa Nellyn tarjontaa !


    1. Hihi, no kai mullakin noita sinällään on riittämiin, mutta lähinnä matalia, joten pikkunen piristys oli ihan paikallaan ;) ♥


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