Thrift Haul ♥

Heya lovelies!

How are you all? ♥

I'm super happy today because of many things, one of them being the fact that tomorrow (well, today as I'm typing this at night) is a holiday here in Finland and that means a day off to spend with my man. Love it. Also it means we can actually take photos during the day which is super fun.

Today, however, I really wanted to share this thrift haul. I know many bloggers don't maybe show secondhand stuff because it's not chic enough or whatever, but I love going through thrift stores, secondhand shops, flea markets and such in hopes of finding nice stuff for a great price. On the weekend, me and my girl K went thrift shopping, and we found so much good stuff I can't even believe it. Naturally, I can't show you the goodies my friend got, but you sure can see my haul below:

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The shoes were new (though in sale) but all the other things are secondhand. Guess the total for all these? (I'll tell you the answer at the end of this post.)

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Because my closet lacks proper basics, I was happy to find this grandpa shirt. It's soft, grey and amazing.

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Yet again, a necessary basic. I've been wearing this one today, and I totally love it.

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Basic top that is easy to incorporate even into rock chic looks.

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Text print top. I've wanted one for long but haven't met the right one. Until now. "Love never fails". True.

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Unhealthy leopard print obsession? Probably. But I just love the print.

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Print I haven't tried out before: zebra. With little zebras. In pink. Need I say more?

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And even more leopard print. Because I'm insane.

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Overly cute scarf with pastel skull print. Had to have it. Obviously.

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And last thing from thrift store: A gold and black necklace. Simple and pretty, and I can guarantee you will see this one in outfit posts.

The total before the shoes: little under 15 Euros.

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We also went through many "normal" shops with new things. But when we saw Spirit Store having a final sale, we had to get in for a peek. And it was worth it, because I found these beauties for 6 Euros. Yeah, leopard print and studs. You know me.

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And I also got these boots I had been eyeing for a while for about 24 Euros. Which isn't a bad price for shoes either.

So that kind of a haul this time - I totally need to get stuff away from my closet because of these but I don't really mind, because change is good, right?

Let me know what you think about my finds! Are there others out there who enjoy thrift shopping? Comment below and tell me ♥

Now, I'll go get some much needed sleep so I can at least try and look fresh tomorrow when we actually have time for outfit photos. But talk to you later!

Have a lovely day, guys!


  1. Great thrifts! I love the leopard-print shirt. ♥

    -Tootsie Jean

  2. Ah mitä löytöjä me tehtiin!;)

    1. No niinpä! Pitää ottaa alkusyksystä uusiks nii saan kouluvaatteita :D ♥

  3. Looks like ou got some great stuff. Especially loving the necklace and boots.

    1. Thank you. It was refreshing to find secondhand treasures for a change :) ♥

  4. Wow wow wow!!! I'm jealous! Those leopard spike kicks is worth all the time and effort!

    Thank you for visiting my blog doll, would love to get your thoughts on my latest design!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

    1. I love them so much too! I will pay you a visit first thing tomorrow! ♥

  5. Thrifting is the best. I guess you go relatively often, since you know what to look for, right?

    I absolutely love all the things you found! Those shoes, yummy!
    I love animal prints as well, although I hardly ever use them. I have the same zebra print dress as you do, but in black and white. I wish I had one in pink as well - it's super cute!

    I hope you're having the best weekend,
    Kitty xo

    My colourful blog is totally different from anything you've ever seen, don't get scared.

    1. I actually only go like 2-4 times per year to do a proper haul, but I do know what I'm looking for so it's easier to spot out the good stuff ;) I'd wear that zebra dress in any color, it's so cool! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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